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Poor migrants from Syria, Iraq and Afghanistan

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And all million are in Europe? That I didn't know.


So, without a passport how can you tell where these people are coming from? What they want?


4 million+, theres 1 million currently displaced on the syrianian coast, over 1 million in europe.

the rest took my neighbouring countries

I suppose they left there homes, families and possesions for a laugh didnt they?

read the history section...



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And you've further proved my point by stating the answer you wanted in this post.


It says the appropriate answer!

Maybe i should rephrase that for you " the appropriate response would be " i have no opinion" rather than the "i dont know" that you provided as an answer"


Im not trying to put words in your mouth at all.

Just pointing out that when asked the question.

"in your opinion is it just a co-incedence that the tripped man has been given the job" the answer " i dont know" doesnt make sense! You cant "not know" your own opinion!

" i have no opinion" makes sense and is the appropriate response if thats what you are meaning to convey.


A have no idea if that is what you are meaning to convey or not as your answer as usual was so obtuse.

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Might I also suggest that if we didn't treat so many people who are not british, for free, then we would need fewer doctors and hospital care staff.

Have you been to the Childrens' Hospital recently? ....


you are suggesting non-british pay no taxes then...

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4 million+, theres 1 million currently displaced on the syrianian coast, over 1 million in europe.

the rest took my neighbouring countries

I suppose they left there homes, families and possesions for a laugh didnt they?

read the history section...




So only refugees come from Syria ? And economic migrants don't risk their lives?

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They already are in Europe.......people are responsible for their emotions,what they feel is up to them.........I don't have solutions to how individuals react to anything,let alone migrants.......it's an individual choice.

I support a strategy of order,law abiding,security consciousness where the best can be done for migrants fleeing warzones.

Processing asylum applications,repatriating failed ones and accepting successful ones with the full co operation of the EU and all the countries involved.

What I think doesn't matter,it won't be a solution.We have any amount of organisations around Europe and the world whos responsibility it is to deal with what is happening,they have had enough notice for years now and they have not reacted...........unfortunately,there is fighting that needs to be stopped before anything lasting will happen,people power has taken over,the migrants have taken matters into their own hands and forced the issue,now, short of driving them all back into the sea and massing armies all along EU borders,there doesn't seem to be any short term solutions.


My warning is that taking in millions of refugees and migrants may trigger some people power responses here in Europe... it isn't just migrants who are capable of taking matters into their own hands.


I think there is some middle ground between an open door policy and using armies to drive migrants back into the sea. Building safe camps near Syria and returning the refugees to them would be expensive but is a plan that I think most people would support. Wouldn't a strategy that has popular support and still provides safety for refugees be a better option?



Problem with the british, we have no confidence in ourselves..europe is looking at us and laughing. A poll conducted in Germany, over half thought we should take more asylum seekers.


I really don't understand why you think they are laughing at us? Do you think they are laughing at us because our xenophobia is keeping us from enjoying the mass immigration party? Let them laugh and let them have our share of the good times ahead... consider it a gift.

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It says the appropriate answer!

Maybe i should rephrase that for you " the appropriate response would be " i have no opinion" rather than the "i dont know" that you provided as an answer"


Im not trying to put words in your mouth at all.

Just pointing out that when asked the question.

"in your opinion is it just a co-incedence that the tripped man has been given the job" the answer " i dont know" doesnt make sense! You cant "not know" your own opinion!

" i have no opinion" makes sense and is the appropriate response if thats what you are meaning to convey.


A have no idea if that is what you are meaning to convey or not as your answer as usual was so obtuse.


No,I'm not saying 'I don't know' about an opinion,I'm saying "I don't know' if it is a coincidence.

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The country was built on immigration and subsequently developed by immigrants. Just look at businesses as an example. Some of the most iconic brands are founded by immigrants or sons of immigrants. M&S, Tesco, easyjet...


No it was not! You are a fool if you think that. Immigration contributed to less then 1% of the population of this country until the 19th to 20th Century.


You list two brands that don't even come into the top 20 consumer brands.


Here is the 2015 list:

1. British Airways - BRITISH COMPANY & ORIGIN

2. Rolex


4. Microsoft

5. Nike


7. Gillette

8. Mercedes-Benz

9. Kellogg’s

10. Apple

11. LEGO




15. Coca-Cola


17. BMW

18. Google

19. Häagen-Dazs

20. Virgin Atlantic - BRITISH COMPANY & ORIGIN


So, you name 2 and a half companies (the spencer in M&S is for Thomas Spencer an Englishman). I can list you hundreds of companies created by British people. Just look at the FTSE 100.

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