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Poor migrants from Syria, Iraq and Afghanistan

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and if the migrants didnt contribute 6 billion to the UK economy then uk citizens would fill the posts and thus also contribute 6billion to our economy....




I agree - it's too depressing to contemplate. It's what the islamists have wanted. World domination of their medieval creed. The destruction of the west and liberal values.

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This is still the same sort of thing refusing food because it as a red cross logo still means they are in the wrong part of the world as most of the E U is far more into keeping the Christian religion than they U K as I have been in several European countries at Christmas and Easter and a lot more things close in Europe so they will have to adjust to it


They didn't refuse it because of the logo, did you not read the link where the guy who shot the video explains what actually happened? :rolleyes:

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They didn't refuse it because of the logo, did you not read the link where the guy who shot the video explains what actually happened? :rolleyes:


Yes on that link but did you see the live news feed last week where they we refusing food and throwing water on to the railway tracks in Budapest and the adults were taking food off of the children who had accepted food from the Hungarian police.


They are only doing things on their terms with total disregard for the laws of the countries whom they are guests in and requiring help from

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Either way, they don't seem to be grateful for the aid they are receiving at the expense of hard-working people.



He wasn't hungry as he'd just treated himself to a Maccy Ds half an hour earlier. :hihi:


Seriously though, if desperately hungry the food wouldn't be turned down.

Edited by WiseOwl182
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Yes on that link but did you see the live news feed last week where they we refusing food and throwing water on to the railway tracks in Budapest and the adults were taking food off of the children who had accepted food from the Hungarian police.


They are only doing things on their terms with total disregard for the laws of the countries whom they are guests in and requiring help from


They are only doing things on their terms with total disregard for the laws of the countries whom they are guests in and demanding help from

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If Angela Merkel is seeking renown as the founder of the Islamic state of Germanistan, let her get on with it. She's made a big thing about how welcome the "refugees" are, now she gets the chance to live her life like she talks it.


What she has no right to do is to try and bully other European states into taking migrants.


Germany has a very bad name after sticking the boot into the Greeks recently and if they try bullying tactics again just a few months later it is going to become crystal clear that the EU is being run by Germany for Germany's benefit.

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