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Poor migrants from Syria, Iraq and Afghanistan

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Being in the "arent we all nice people, lets pat each other on the back club" wont solve anything.

If anything the members of that club are directly responsible for ever drop of blood that will be spilt, does that still make you all feel warm and fuzzy inside?

After me everybody "kum bye ah me lord........"

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I don't care if he was the love child of Prince Philip, and 80% of migrants aren't even Syrian anyway.


What gives these people any right to just walk into Europe and demand to be housed, fed, educated and given health care?


No right whatsoever. The problem is and always will be the sympathisers that allows this to happen. If any of us have the nerve to be opposed to it, then we are of course evil racist bigots. Never mind allowing this mass invasion, we have the problems of western life haters already here. Look at the computer programmer who tried to buy enough ricin to kill a city. And they gave him eight years. I would have just shot him with a cattle bolt, as he wasnt trying to buy it for a headache, was he?

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All i can see from them is a massive sense of entitlement under a system that they have no say in and cant even vote for because they arent even a part of the eu!

The wishy washys all sat round a table and tried to prove to each other what jolly nice people they are and not racist at all and now we are all seeing the result of that.

P.I double S taking on a massive scale.


---------- Post added 19-09-2015 at 20:41 ----------


Is English not your first language?


Duality at its finest!

If anyone else had said that youd have accused them of being racist!

Something like " what difference would it make if it wasnt","do you have a link" etc!

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Steve Jobs of Apple was a child of Syrian refugees.....:rolleyes:


"What a rotten apple: He's venerated as a genius. But two new films show Apple founder Steve Jobs was a heartless monster who trampled over friends and disowned his own daughter"


Read more: http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-3239351/What-rotten-apple-s-venerated-genius-two-new-films-Apple-founder-Steve-Jobs-heartless-monster-trampled-friends-disowned-daughter.html#ixzz3mDWQw9b3

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"What a rotten apple: He's venerated as a genius. But two new films show Apple founder Steve Jobs was a heartless monster who trampled over friends and disowned his own daughter"


Read more: http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-3239351/What-rotten-apple-s-venerated-genius-two-new-films-Apple-founder-Steve-Jobs-heartless-monster-trampled-friends-disowned-daughter.html#ixzz3mDWQw9b3

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He was also american...bit irrelevant

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