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Poor migrants from Syria, Iraq and Afghanistan

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not scared!! but dislike the way our English culture is being eroded day by day and being diluted by the worlds waifs and strays, not wanted and not going to be accepted ever.


What is our English culture?


And how is it being diluted?


Nobody is stopping you going Morris Dancing, having afternoon tea, drinking bitter or wearing a knotted hanky on your head are they?

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so if someone doesnt agree with you then you play the race card thought we lived in a democracy and people can have opinions mind you its the lefty way to use the race card with someone that doesnt agree with a lefty .


Im not a lefty. But yes lets call a spade a spade.

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It's great to have different cultures. , better than being a racist


I have experienced different cultures as I did a fair bit of work in Europe for over 20 years from the 60s and I have also been to north Africa, some cultures I did not like and some I did, but I always respected the local culture.


I never expected the local people to treat me differently and I always tried to abide by their customs and laws and I met some very nice people in places where I did not like their culture so how can you define that as being racist.

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I have experienced different cultures as I did a fair bit of work in Europe for over 20 years from the 60s and I have also been to north Africa, some cultures I did not like and some I did, but I always respected the local culture.


I never expected the local people to treat me differently and I always tried to abide by their customs and laws and I met some very nice people in places where I did not like their culture so how can you define that as being racist.


Big deal. Ive lived and been round the world too. i never rejected people coming here on basis of culture

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Let's just say irrational bias against members of another culture


When you tell someone who is scared of spiders that it is irrational, do they stop being scared? No. Just because you don't share the feeling that the level of immigration is having a negative impact on your life does not make it an unreal, or even irrational, feeling. Ever poll over recent years shows approx 75% of people think there is too much immigration. This view is increasing and, unless it is respected, there will be a backlash against migrants and the liberal politics that brought them here.


You may think you are promoting liberal values but what you are going to end up with is the opposite. It really is time the liberal elite woke up to this fact and accepted immigration must be reduced... not increased.


What is our English culture?


And how is it being diluted?


Nobody is stopping you going Morris Dancing, having afternoon tea, drinking bitter or wearing a knotted hanky on your head are they?


Same. This argument has failed. When are you going to accept that it is too much for most people and respect their wishes to cut immigration? Are you really going to keep pushing until we actually see violence on our streets and nationalist and far right politics the norm across a much less liberal Europe?


A serious question - what does need to happen before you will respect the feelings and wishes of the majority?

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What is our English culture?


And how is it being diluted?


Nobody is stopping you going Morris Dancing, having afternoon tea, drinking bitter or wearing a knotted hanky on your head are they?


You really think that's what our Brit/English culture is all about? You're being puerile now, I almost feel sorry for you. Almost :rolleyes:

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