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Poor migrants from Syria, Iraq and Afghanistan

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Asylum seekers should get protection and support across the EU. Those just wanting a better life should be shipped back to where they came from.


Its very telling when you see pictures of migrants in Hungry refusing to have their finger prints taken as they don't want to stay there. They want to head to richer EU nations where they will find life much easier. Thats not fleeing oppression and war looking for safety, thats just looking for a better life, which you cant blame people, but the EU cannot house the rest of the world that is poorer than us.

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Really? Based on what exactly?


D'you not consider the bravery and fortitude of, for example, people who've fled the civil war in Syria and mad long and perilous journeys under very difficult conditions as something to be admired?



Running away isn't bravery, why are the majority of those looking for safety mostly young men, where are the women, children and elderly?


Couldn't answer that one halibut. Well and truly kippered :hihi::hihi::hihi:

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Why,instead of saving migrants who are just off the Libyan coast and landing them in Greece etc, don't they just take/tow them back to Libya.

Problem solved!

Then sort the refugees from the economic migrants in North Africa.


OR even better improve the lot of these people in their own country so they stay there.u

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Asylum seekers should get protection and support across the EU. Those just wanting a better life should be shipped back to where they came from.


Its very telling when you see pictures of migrants in Hungry refusing to have their finger prints taken as they don't want to stay there. They want to head to richer EU nations where they will find life much easier. Thats not fleeing oppression and war looking for safety, thats just looking for a better life, which you cant blame people, but the EU cannot house the rest of the world that is poorer than us.

I think thats pretty much my stance.


There are 1 billion people living in Africa and another 100 million in the middle East. I''d expect that 99% of them would be better off in Europe. The solution is not to help them all over here, that would be insane. What we should be doing is everything possible to make Africa & the middle east much better places to live in.


No easy task as every time the west meddles they mess it up, and usually big time. It's also exasperated by tribal & religious grudges going back centuries.

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If it's not true then why is Germany so desperate for other countries to take their share? Why don't they just hog all that financial and social positivity?


You are continuing to persist with your EU migrants equal asylum seekers argument, aren't you?


Simple fact is that Germany can't take 800K asylum seekers in, even though they are. How does that compute with the measly amount that Britain is looking to deal with? We are in this together, the UK needs to pull its finger out and start helping to solve the problem, an integral EU approach is one step that is seemingly already too far for Cameron.


tzijistra. Sorry I'm a bit slow but I've only just realised, according to your figures you'd need about 14 kids to receive the recently announced benefit cap of £20K

So there's no need to worry about austerity. I'm glad I don't need to worry about that anymore.


You should never have worried about it in the first place, you should cease to generalise though.


@Jonny5 - I agree, immigration controls into the EU need to improve.

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