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Poor migrants from Syria, Iraq and Afghanistan

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Dead right pal,if your names not down,you aint coming in...........damn that Angela Merkel,why can't she just point at the map and tell them to get back to Greece,they should be dealing with this...........we are geographically watertight,don't you worry about that,it would need Columbo and Perry Mason to try and get us involved in this..........these 'geographically challenged' countries have a lot to answer for.........and them migrants,damn them for wanting a better life.


I'm not sure taking LSD is the way to go if you want to be taken seriously. Perhaps you should just enjoy the trip and come back tomorrow?

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A better comparison would be that a neighbour had taken him in but he decided that he'd be even more comfortable at your house. He doesn't actually need refuge any more, he's just looking for an opportunity to improve his lot. He's an economic migrant.


Yeah,don't lift a finger,like I didn't.............I showed 'em............and in this case ,the map absolves us of everything......all them Icelanders offering help,they must be mad..........why can't they just act like us for gods sake?


---------- Post added 02-09-2015 at 17:34 ----------


I'm not sure taking LSD is the way to go if you want to be taken seriously. Perhaps you should just enjoy the trip and come back tomorrow?


Jobsworths just don't get it do they?

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It's an undeniable fact that it's a problem. A serious one.


Not so much in the UK at all currently, considering the numbers involved.


But eventually it might, if things continue as they do.


Whilst I'm certainly not siding with or succumbing to the argumentative simplicity of the shouty-shout xenophobic crowd, there is legitimacy to the socio-economic self-preservation argument. The EU, and the UK within it, is only just now getting back on its feet -teetering, at that- after the worst financial crisis the developed world has known for close to a century. The economic activity and the associated socio-political means just aren't there to take on millions at this time. Perfect storm.


That's simplistic and xenophobic.

Edited by Gomass
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Would the situation be any worse if us, the yanks, Saudis - a coalition of the willing I suppose - went all in with as many boots on the ground as needed. I don't recall this many refugees coming accross after our last jaunt over there.


Then install a dictator of our choice, democracy don't work out there.

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Just watching Channel 4 News about the Syrian refugee crisis. It is truly heart breaking. Germany is taking 1% of its population in refugees; sure Germany is a wealthy country, but Greece isn't, and they are doing more than there bit.

When it comes to renegotiating its treaties ahead of the referendum, Britain is hardly doing itself any favours in the long term.

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Dead right pal,if your names not down,you aint coming in...........damn that Angela Merkel,why can't she just point at the map and tell them to get back to Greece,they should be dealing with this...........we are geographically watertight,don't you worry about that,it would need Columbo and Perry Mason to try and get us involved in this..........these 'geographically challenged' countries have a lot to answer for.........and them migrants,damn them for wanting a better life.


Still incapable of answering a simple question. I see you have lots of opinions but no answers. I suspected as much. Shouldn't you be polishing your shoes and preparing your satchel for your first day at big school this week?


---------- Post added 02-09-2015 at 19:24 ----------


Just watching Channel 4 News about the Syrian refugee crisis. It is truly heart breaking. Germany is taking 1% of its population in refugees; sure Germany is a wealthy country, but Greece isn't, and they are doing more than there bit.

When it comes to renegotiating its treaties ahead of the referendum, Britain is hardly doing itself any favours in the long term.


You'll find its Germany that is out in the cold here. Many EU nations are furious with them for effectively opening the door to millions of migrants who have to pass through other countries before getting to Germany.


I'm willing to bet within 12 months, Germany will regrets its decision to offer a home to so many (50% of those crossing the Med are considered economic migrants and not refugees) and Merkel will be thrown out of office.


Such a massive influx of foreigners who do not share a common language or culture will bread resentment within these countries populations.


---------- Post added 02-09-2015 at 19:27 ----------


That's simplistic and xenophobic.


Self preservation is not xenophobia. Learn to read and then read a dictionary.


---------- Post added 02-09-2015 at 19:31 ----------


Would the situation be any worse if us, the yanks, Saudis - a coalition of the willing I suppose - went all in with as many boots on the ground as needed. I don't recall this many refugees coming accross after our last jaunt over there.


Then install a dictator of our choice, democracy don't work out there.


We would be in the wrong if we had done that too.


Remember, there was a window of time when the UK, US and others could have prevented this from happening. The likes of ISIS would not have had the opportunity to grown within the vacuum that resulted from the Syrian and Libyan Arab spring. The people who are now moaning are the very same people who categorically refused to support any military action in Syria, leaving us with the situation as it is now. Bodies of those fleeing washing up on the shores of the EU.

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Just watching Channel 4 News about the Syrian refugee crisis. It is truly heart breaking. Germany is taking 1% of its population in refugees; sure Germany is a wealthy country, but Greece isn't, and they are doing more than there bit.

When it comes to renegotiating its treaties ahead of the referendum, Britain is hardly doing itself any favours in the long term.


Germany are being very clever here by letting them in, within 12 months all the migrants will have an EU passport and will leave Germany for the land of milk and honey and housing and benefits:roll::roll:

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Still incapable of answering a simple question. I see you have lots of opinions but no answers. I suspected as much. Shouldn't you be polishing your shoes and preparing your satchel for your first day at big school this week?


Stigmatising and demonising migrants not enough for you?.........talking down to schoolkids looks like another 'useful' string to your bow...........how many prejudices have you got?

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