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Poor migrants from Syria, Iraq and Afghanistan

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There is a shift in the air, don't you think? You can see it on social media, on news reports, in the actions of ordinary people.


Pretty soon, our scaredy-cat politicians are going to have to do something. For now, they are cowed down in fear of Nigel Farage. It won't be long before they have to do the right thing and take action to stop babies drowning and people trafficking and lorries of humans being reduced to ooze.


Let's all hope so anyway, for the sake of humanity.


---------- Post added 02-09-2015 at 23:34 ----------



I spoke my bit like a 40% taxpayer.


Does that make a difference?


Do I get to tell 20% taxpayers what to do?


I hope so. People need to stop tarring refugees all with the same brush. I'm fairly sure this little fella didn't come for the benefits...



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I hope so. People need to stop tarring refugees all with the same brush. I'm fairly sure this little fella didn't come for the benefits...




yes it sad the kid died, I blame those scummy people traffickers.


I dunno what can be done about it maybe set up a asylum processing centres in turkey?, to weed out the economic migrants from the legit asylum seekers which is what most people would be happy with.

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Migrant crisis: Pressure mounts as UK urged to 'do more'


While I'm sorry for their plight. We can't afford to give them more money! We pay a stupid bill to Europe as it is - use that money to house and feed these people.



Why can't we?

If we can afford to drop 1/2 a million pound bombs in their country's and supply weapons to the resistance forces then we can afford to help these migrants although I suspect the real issue is that these migrants are the wrong colour!

My bold= Sorry for their plight my arse :rolleyes:

Edited by mafya
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I do feel sorry for them. They have to take crazy risks to reach safety. Proven by the too many deaths to escape war, the terrorists masquerading as Islamists.


The money we pay to the EU should be more than. Enough to help these people. It's down to the EU to split the money propely to assist these folk settle into EU countries without the country having to pay out more.


The 'war on terror' was a load of BS by the government and several countries likely would not be in such a state now. Isis need to be wiped out. People need not to be displaced. Sadly they go hand in hand. War is an ugly thing.


They money we give to the EU could do so much if they would allow it.

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Who cares?


We need to help these refugees by taking our fair share. It's the right thing to do.


It's the right thing to do if you want the EU to break up, with half of Europe voting in nationalist governments, an increase in racism and the people you let in fleeing once again out of Europe.


We need a strategy that focuses on the outcomes and not what will make us feel better about ourselves in th short term. You'd implement a short term strategy, knowing what the likely consequences will be, because you can then say you did your bit and can't be blamed for the future behaviour of others.. . well you can.


The long term outcome is all that matters. Destroying the peace in Europe and creating a huge shift to the right is unacceptable and will ironically be most worse for the migrants you want to welcome. It's shameful that people put their own feelings first and ignore the reality of what the decisions will mean in the long term.


There are dead kids on beaches because the word is out that if you get to Europe you are allowed to stay. Instead of nipping it in the bud, by forcefully rejecting immigrants through illegal channels, more of the same has been encouraged. Thousands a year has become hundreds of thousand and could end up in the millions. All those deaths are the responsibility of those who put their own sensitivities first ignored the big picture and didn't have the strength to say no.

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It's not about the money necessarily. The problem is the cultural and potential terrorist effect on our country. On the country that OUR children are going to live in.

The kind thing to do would be to refuse them entry and stop the hand wringing. It will stop them setting off and spending large amounts of money with travel agents (which is what people traffickers are, albeit unofficial). If they know they will be sent back these economic migrants will not put themselves and their children in danger.

If they are asylum seekers then they should claim it in the first safe country, not the first liberal western generous country.

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Why can't we?

If we can afford to drop 1/2 a million pound bombs in their country's and supply weapons to the resistance forces then we can afford to help these migrants although I suspect the real issue is that these migrants are the wrong colour!

My bold= Sorry for their plight my arse :rolleyes:

come on then mafya how you going to stop them from coming here ? how are you going to stop whats happening in their country to stop them fleeing here ?

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There is a shift in the air, don't you think? You can see it on social media, on news reports, in the actions of ordinary people.


Pretty soon, our scaredy-cat politicians are going to have to do something. For now, they are cowed down in fear of Nigel Farage. It won't be long before they have to do the right thing and take action to stop babies drowning and people trafficking and lorries of humans being reduced to ooze.


Let's all hope so anyway, for the sake of humanity.


---------- Post added 02-09-2015 at 23:34 ----------



I spoke my bit like a 40% taxpayer.


Does that make a difference?


Do I get to tell 20% taxpayers what to say?


A compromise would be to allow anyone to support the migrants in their own household until they go back to their own country. Charity should be voluntary and not forced onto everyone. The helper would have to take full responsibility for anyone they choose to help.

Edited by Gomass
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