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Poor migrants from Syria, Iraq and Afghanistan

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Politicians like Cooper and Burnham saying we should "do more" make me laugh. They are trying to portray themselves as noble and compassionate. In reality their nobility is just moral and physical cowardice. Letting everybody in who wants to come in isn't being noble, it is shrinking way from actually doing something to stop them, because they don't have the bottle to do it.

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There is a shift in the air, don't you think? You can see it on social media, on news reports, in the actions of ordinary people.


Pretty soon, our scaredy-cat politicians are going to have to do something. For now, they are cowed down in fear of Nigel Farage. It won't be long before they have to do the right thing and take action to stop babies drowning and people trafficking and lorries of humans being reduced to ooze.


Let's all hope so anyway, for the sake of humanity.


---------- Post added 02-09-2015 at 23:34 ----------



I spoke my bit like a 40% taxpayer.


Does that make a difference?


Do I get to tell 20% taxpayers what to say?



there is no "shift" in the air as you put it apart from major guilt as nobody want to see some of the scenes on the news,, if anything it should make us be even more determined to stop the Migration at the point of their country exit, and target the people traffickers? allowing the swarms to continue will not end well.

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A compromise would be to allow anyone to support the migrants in their own household until they go back to their own country. Charity should be voluntary and not forced onto everyone. Obviously helper would have to take full responsibility for anyone they choose to help.


That would only be a part compromise,these migrants could not be kept in the house 24/7,obviously,they would have to go out,and so be seen by anti migrant people......to see poor people in their midst would go against all their natural instincts......it is offensive to many peoples eyes to see these poor migrants.....I think that if they were seen outside the helper householder,maps would be pointed too and rules quoted from the migrant rule book..........geography exempts the UK from having anything to do with them...cannot these migrants understand this and not bother us,there's another weekend coming up soon and they are going to spoil it again

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That would only be a part compromise,these migrants could not be kept in the house 24/7,obviously,they would have to go out,and so be seen by anti migrant people......to see poor people in their midst would go against all their natural instincts......it is offensive to many peoples eyes to see these poor migrants.....I think that if they were seen outside the helper householder,maps would be pointed too and rules quoted from the migrant rule book..........geography exempts the UK from having anything to do with them...cannot these migrants understand this and not bother us,there's another weekend coming up soon and they are going to spoil it again


This is probably the most nauseating thing I've read in weeks.


Read this - I hope it makes you feel ashamed of yourself.




Look at this; I hope it makes you feel ashamed.


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This is probably the most nauseating thing I've read in weeks. <...>
Straight over your head, that one went :|


---------- Post added 03-09-2015 at 09:47 ----------


That's simplistic and xenophobic.
Xenophobic? Really? How so, pray tell?


It's an unemotionally and apolitically rational, high-level view of the developing situation.

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The British population was uneasy with the levels of immigration into our country before all this happened. Then we saw the people crossing the med, of which it is estimated 50% of them had no rights to travel to the EU and were only there to find work. In essence they where illegal immigrants, but they worked out how to play the system.


Now we see millions of refugees flooding into the EU. Its predictable people will be sceptical.


This whole issue is showing the weakness of the EU in coordinating anything other then its own self preservation (I mean the EU in Brussels not EU nations).


We need to system to deal with these people so we are helping those that need it and returning those who are just looking to live the high on the EU.

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The British population was uneasy with the levels of immigration into our country before all this happened. Then we saw the people crossing the med, of which it is estimated 50% of them had no rights to travel to the EU and were only there to find work. In essence they where illegal immigrants, but they worked out how to play the system.


Now we see millions of refugees flooding into the EU. Its predictable people will be sceptical.


This whole issue is showing the weakness of the EU in coordinating anything other then its own self preservation (I mean the EU in Brussels not EU nations).


We need to system to deal with these people so we are helping those that need it and returning those who are just looking to live the high on the EU.


I agree, well said.


Admitting migrants flooding into Europe is going to cause huge levels of concern and resentment.


We can't take them and we need to vastly reduce the number of immigrants already here.

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That would only be a part compromise,these migrants could not be kept in the house 24/7,obviously,they would have to go out,and so be seen by anti migrant people......to see poor people in their midst would go against all their natural instincts......it is offensive to many peoples eyes to see these poor migrants.....I think that if they were seen outside the helper householder,maps would be pointed too and rules quoted from the migrant rule book..........geography exempts the UK from having anything to do with them...cannot these migrants understand this and not bother us,there's another weekend coming up soon and they are going to spoil it again


I don't know what you have been watching but I doubt I could tell the difference between most of the Syrian's I have seen on TV and the average British person, they even speak our language better than many of us.

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I change my mind.

Screw the arguments about who should and who shouldn't. Lets just sort them out when they get here. Those who need protection are welcome. The world can then come together and deal with the problem once these people are safe.


This image (which may well get me a ban, but I don't care) should be seen by everyone: http://imgur.com/a/BCN37#AkTByY2

Edited by Berberis
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