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Poor migrants from Syria, Iraq and Afghanistan

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Probably not, because its not relevant to the struggle of these refugees.


Its relevant to the concerns of native Europeans having to accept all these unwanted potentially dangerous migrants. Who murders two elderly people as soon as you arrive in a new country?? :loopy::help:

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The West is responsible for removing the dictators who sat on Pandora's box but the evils within it are none-the-less the making of the religion and culture. At the end of the day it isn't a matter of whether the people of Europe have a responsibility to accept the consequences (millions of migrants) for what was done in our name but whether they will. They won't.


If you think Muslims are having a rough time of it now then think what it will be like if nationalist and right wing groups win power. That is where this path is going to take us and we need to step off it. We must not take these people.


Too right,the Far Right Airforce will be dropping barrell bombs on them within weeks............it's for their own good,their own safety.

It brings to mind the UKIP complaint of these poor people being discriminated against because they cannot access the EU and freedom of movement in the same way the EU people can...........UKIP had these poor people at the centres of their hearts and were fully behind them having equality,the free movement.............and now we only have their safety to our hearts........you must go back my friends,you are in great danger.

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Save lives maybe?


The trouble is - it wont in the long run. It will encourage more to make the perilous deadly journey. It will cost more lives. I am surprised that you are taking this stance. I agree with just about everything you type here, and you have indeed made me double check my stance. But the more we encourage the more will die.

Using that poor child on the beach as a moral blackmail to people, like people are doing on FB, is misguided. It is heart wrenching, but it doesn't mean we should just open up the floodgates to what will be millions of people thousands of whom will die.

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Save lives maybe?


Maybe it will cost more lives?


If we start accepting refugees then will it stop migrants from trying to cross the med? Are we going to allow migrant children to drown because their lives are less valuable than refugee children? You are back at square one... either let them all in (prompting millions more to follow suit) or reject them all (meaning some will still die trying).


And what consideration have you given to the consequences of facilitating a mass exodus? What will be left of the countries being fled and what of the lives of those that remain?


And what will it mean for Europe and these migrants/refugees in the long-term? Nationalists and far right political parties have made huge gains over recent years and the burden of mass immigration on this scale could see them winning power. What then for us and the migrants/refugees?

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Absolute nonsense.

They are expressing the views of what most in this country feel.


Its time this government made more effort in its response to the refugee emergency.Shame on them for not doing so, I hope public pressure has some affect.

I realise there are no simple solutions, but no solution will be possible while ever they continue to ignore this crisis.



don't no where your getting your imfo from janie?do you read surveys ?or most posts here on SF

Most Britons, and most French, and most Danes, etc. don't want these migrants coming in. Or they'd be leaping to take them. Why do you think Le Pen is rising so fast in France? Why do you think the DPP is now one of the strongest parties in Denmark? Why do you think the right is rising in Finland?


Why do you think immigration is now the #1 topic of concern in Britain, having just surpassed the economy and the NHS?!


Try looking at information that doesn't tell you what you want to hear.

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Maybe it will cost more lives?


If we start accepting refugees then will it stop migrants from trying to cross the med? Are we going to allow migrant children to drown because their lives are less valuable than refugee children? You are back at square one... either let them all in (prompting millions more to follow suit) or reject them all (meaning some will still die trying).


And what consideration have you given to the consequences of facilitating a mass exodus? What will be left of the countries being fled and what of the lives of those that remain?


And what will it mean for Europe and these migrants/refugees in the long-term? Nationalists and far right political parties have made huge gains over recent years and the burden of mass immigration on this scale could see them winning power. What then for us and the migrants/refugees?


More sense - SF wont be able to cope with this

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Maybe it will cost more lives?


If we start accepting refugees then will it stop migrants from trying to cross the med? Are we going to allow migrant children to drown because their lives are less valuable than refugee children? You are back at square one... either let them all in (prompting millions more to follow suit) or reject them all (meaning some will still die trying).


And what consideration have you given to the consequences of facilitating a mass exodus? What will be left of the countries being fled and what of the lives of those that remain?


And what will it mean for Europe and these migrants/refugees in the long-term? Nationalists and far right political parties have made huge gains over recent years and the burden of mass immigration on this scale could see them winning power. What then for us and the migrants/refugees?


I think that the migrants have made their choice........it's not the one you wanted.

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