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Poor migrants from Syria, Iraq and Afghanistan

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The boy died because


a) His parents wanted to get to Canada, weren't allowed to leave Turkey, so took matters into their own hands.

b) To accomplish this they put their child on a dangerously overcrowded boat.


They weren't "fleeing" anything. They were safe. That's the tragedy.

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The boy died because


a) His parents wanted to get to Canada, weren't allowed to leave Turkey, so took matters into their own hands.

b) To accomplish this they put their child on a dangerously overcrowded boat.


They weren't "fleeing" anything. They were safe. That's the tragedy.


You are right, but logic and reason seem powerless in the face of the tsunami of "Oh, innit awful" comments.

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Your goody goody rhetoric on this issue hasn't stood up to scrutiny. It raises all sorts of questions, non of which you can answer meaningfully so you resort to childish petulant postings just like TJ1 in post 515.


You'll be able to ignore anything else I post then.........let's hope so,because there will be a lot,none of which will say what you are wanting to hear.

Still waiting to hear which argument I was in and how I managed to lose one when I was never in one...........now scrutinise that.

Edited by chalga
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The moment a refugee refuses asylum in a safe country, such as Hungary or Greece, because they have preferred target location countries, such as Germany and the UK, they cease to be classed as refugees and become economic migrants.


that's pretty much how i see it. this knee jerker photo. lets just consider it. a family are not escaping from syria. they are already in turkey. the father loads them on an unseaworthy boat in order to make an illegal border crossing between 2 safe countries. so who is responsible for the deaths?

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It seems that in the countries these people are leaving all the conflict is caused by religion. If you are of a different religion or even the same religion but a different sect you are seen as an enemy, Even secularism is seen as something alien. While we all have sympathy for genuine refugees ISIS have reportedly said they intend sending 50 thousand terrorist to Europe, we would seem to be in no position to sort out genuine refugees from terrorists with this amount of people on the move.

If only 0.001 per cent are terrorists we will be in big trouble. We've all seen how barbaric ISIS is with murders and even levelling ancient monuments which they see as idolatry. What will happen here if they pursue their aim of a worldwide caliphate? Bombing Westminster Abbey perhaps or levelling Stonehenge as they see them as symbols of evil religions.

We in this country have seen atrocities done in the name of religion but in the main other people's religion isn't relevant, I don't even know what most of my neighbours religion is or even if they've got one and I don't care and we've lived here quite a few years,but it does seem relevant in those countries.

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What exactly do you mean by "make more effort"? you mean house them in this country don't you? where exactly? in what houses?

Their kids will need to be schooled of course. Were are the additional school places for them all? Is there an upper limit on how many should be let in or do we just let them all in? You need to answer these questions if you're to be taken seriously.


I bet you wouldn't want them anywhere near you. Shove them in Pagehall somewhere eh?


People like you make me laugh.

"People like you make me laugh" well you're very easily amused aren't you.


How do you know I wouldn't want them near me? Don't jump to conclusions you know nothing about my circumstances.


The government have to decide where they will go and how many more they will take in , and I feel confident that they will agree to receive more than we are doing.

They could do that by being more involved in talks with the European Union, negotiating with Councils, and the UK Council for Refugees. Faith communities would be willing to help too with some direction

There was a massive refugees crisis in Europe during WW11 and the post war years, masses of people were granted sanctuary here, if it could be managed then it can be managed now.

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It seems Cameron will now allow thousands of Syrian refugees into the UK. Plans to be revealed in the next few days


Common sense prevails at last. Thank goodness.


If some arrive in Sheffield I'll do everything I can to help them.

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It seems Cameron will now allow thousands of Syrian refugees into the UK. Plans to be revealed in the next few days


Common sense prevails at last. Thank goodness.


If some arrive in Sheffield I'll do everything I can to help them.


if thats the case then we as a country must be mad, totally stark raving bonkers and it will open the floodgates to the rest of the economic migrants from all corners because thats exactly what they are Migrants not refugees:roll:

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You are right, but logic and reason seem powerless in the face of the tsunami of "Oh, innit awful" comments.


The logic being applied by some could be applied by our government to cut road deaths, if the government provided everyone with a free Volvo V40 which is apparently the safest car on earth they would cut road deaths, I'm wondering why no one as suggested it.

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