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Poor migrants from Syria, Iraq and Afghanistan

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I would like to see them sent back as the new quota that Cameron will announce today will all end up on council estates for us to put up with, resettle them in Esher in Surrey, Dore, Millhouses and the other well to do areas in the Country, the ones who are shouting for them to be allowed here DONT live on council estates

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Logic and reason, yes, but is there compassion?


Compassion yes, but you have to put compassion alongside logic and reason, and we aren't. Or rather the media isn't.


Public opinion is being directed along a well trodden pro-immigration path, with pictures of suffering women and babies well to the fore.


The media could if it chose report on TV the murder of the elderly Sicilians; show the accused in police custody; mention the bloodstains on his clothes and how the old man had his throat cut.


But they don't do that, because it would direct public opinion in a direction that they don't want it to go.

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It is an appalling situation. You and I have rowed about immigrants for years on here, but I hope that we agree that this is different. I'm interested in your Nazi comparison, because that is the same impression that I get seeing these people trying to board trains and authorities trying to herd them into camps. We simply have to help these people, anything else is inhuman.


The answers aren't easy though. We do need to disperse the current refugees and give them asylum in safe places. That includes all EU countries including our own. We also need to take action to restabilise Syria. And this crisis has proved beyond any doubt that the Schengen area is foolish and must be abandoned.

of course its a horrible situation and shouldn't be happening but what should happen is the gov of these countries should try and rid these evil terrorists from their land. ( think we been here before thou with these gov asking for western help) and look where that got us :roll:. I have no idea whats in store for these people when they reach these camps but looking at the news they don't want to go there and are dictating terms to where they want to go. I don't know the solution to this but the uk is damned if we do and damned if we don't help/interfere.

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I would like to see them sent back as the new quota that Cameron will announce today will all end up on council estates for us to put up with, resettle them in Esher in Surrey, Dore, Millhouses and the other well to do areas in the Country, the ones who are shouting for them to be allowed here DONT live on council estates


Why do you make the assumption that they'd be bad neighbours?

Labouring under some misconceptions perhaps?

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Compassion yes, but you have to put compassion alongside logic and reason, and we aren't. Or rather the media isn't.


Public opinion is being directed along a well trodden pro-immigration path, with pictures of suffering women and babies well to the fore.


The media could if it chose report on TV the murder of the elderly Sicilians; show the accused in police custody; mention the bloodstains on his clothes and how the old man had his throat cut.


But they don't do that, because it would direct public opinion in a direction that they don't want it to go.


Turn your television off if there's too much compassion for you,get down to the garden shed and sharpen up your pitchforks instead.

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Let's all just stick our fingers in our ears, close our eyes and sing happy songs. Then everything will be wonderful.


Nobody is forcing you to watch it,are you going to go running into the streets shouting 'stop being so compassionate everybody'............people think different to you and others like you.........you want stigmatisation and demonisation,go and read the right wing press,it's all there for you,all about how poor people are coming to us,and how horrible it is because they are doing that.........there's no compassion there,it's exactly what you want to hear.

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It seems Cameron will now allow thousands of Syrian refugees into the UK. Plans to be revealed in the next few days


Common sense prevails at last.

According to the news this morning, the plan is to hand-pick them from refugee camps in countries surrounding Syria (presumably Turkey, Jordan <etc.>) rather than accept any of those already in the EU.


Now that is common sense indeed, since it will also send the message that those wanting to get to the UK are better off staging around and applying in the Middle East, rather than chancing their life across northern Africa and the Med.


Now, if only Brussels could take a leaf out of that book, and quickly, we might get to the end of the beginning, where dangerous refugee routes and smuggling are concerned.

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