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Poor migrants from Syria, Iraq and Afghanistan

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The vast majority of the people of the UK do not want these migrants here, therefore they should not be allowed to come here, end of. If people want them here, let them volunteer to house feed and clothe the people while they are here, on their own dime, instead of expecting others to foot the bill. As has already been stated, the vast majority of the Guardian types who are crowing about this do not live anywhere where migrants would be housed.

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The vast majority of the people of the UK do not want these migrants here, therefore they should not be allowed to come here, end of. If people want them here, let them volunteer to house feed and clothe the people while they are here, on their own dime, instead of expecting others to foot the bill. As has already been stated, the vast majority of the Guardian types who are crowing about this do not live anywhere where migrants would be housed.


Wow, amazing, you made up a completely baseless 'fact'. Well done. You won't, of course, be able to offer any kind of evidence at all for your spurious claim and I'll dismiss it as wishful thinking on your part.

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Tell the father of that dead baby it's his fault?
It is.


You can find it as unpalatable, crass and outrageous as you wish.


It does not change the factual truth that, based in Bodrum as they'd been awhile, as safe an environment as may be found well away from Syria/Kobane, they did not need to try and navigate to Kos on unseaworthy boats to save their lives.


And I say this as a father who nearly lost his daughter to the sea 10 years ago, through my own stupid fault.


People are human. Humans are fallible. People take wrong decisions all the time, always have. Sometimes people are lucky and there no big consequences. Sometimes the consequences are terrible. When the sea is involved, consequences are more often terrible than not: when things go wrong at sea, they usually goes wrong very badly, very fast.

Edited by L00b
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Wow, amazing, you made up a completely baseless 'fact'. Well done. You won't, of course, be able to offer any kind of evidence at all for your spurious claim and I'll dismiss it as wishful thinking on your part.


it seems the independent makes up similar facts..


"When it comes to the Syrian crisis specifically, attitudes are even more steadfast – 47 per cent of the 6,000 people polled said the UK should not provide refuge. Only 29 per cent were in favour".

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According to the news this morning, the plan is to hand-pick them from refugee camps in countries surrounding Syria (presumably Turkey, Jordan <etc.>) rather than accept any of those already in the EU.


Now that is common sense indeed, since it will also send the message that those wanting to get to the UK are better off staging around and applying in the Middle East, rather than chancing their life across northern Africa and the Med.


Now, if only Brussels could take a leaf out of that book, and quickly, we might get to the end of the beginning, where dangerous refugee routes and smuggling are concerned.


Loob, I think we actually agree on this. I would much prefer a UN wide refugees handling scheme, law, process (call it what you want) in that asylum can be claimed in any UN country and then the UN assists in placing you in a new country if accepted. This would massively reduce the pressure on certain countries while others get an easier ride, it would straight away reduce resentment at it would be done on a world scale rather than a local level and it would allow people to claim asylum without needing to risk lives crossing the sea between countries, either from N Africa to Italy or indeed from Turkey to mainland Europe.


I do wonder if many of the refugees even understand that they are suppose to claim asylum, how would they even know that? The people smugglers aren't going to tell them as they'd lose out on further funds to get them further into Europe. Would any of you have the faintest clue how to claim asylum? Genuine question. Would I approach a policeman? Border control (often there isn't any!)? Don't under estimate the power of the smugglers in all of this, they are the ones making up stories about how Germany, Sweden and the UK are wonderlands where you are guaranteed a job and house etc and it's also pretty understandable for people to want to believe them having come from hell.

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Would you accept the Refuges (not economic migrants - no time for them) if they were prepared to sign away any British rights and expected nothing other than the chance to live here in the UK until peace came to their homeland. Then the UK would offer financial aid for them to return and help them regain the life they had.


I wouldn't have a problem with that and if they were all given NI# and finger prints taken tracking within the UK would I assume be fairly straight forward.

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Would you accept the Refuges (not economic migrants - no time for them) if they were prepared to sign away any British rights and expected nothing other than the chance to live here in the UK until peace came to their homeland. Then the UK would offer financial aid for them to return and help them regain the life they had.


I wouldn't have a problem with that and if they were all given NI# and finger prints taken tracking within the UK would I assume be fairly straight forward.


Why? So you can treat them as second class citizens?

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Why? So you can treat them as second class citizens?


Wow - took my breath away that!!


Actually that hadn't even occurred to me. Most of those opposing the influx of refuges is based on fear of what and how will this country cope. If it was agreed from the outset that temporary sanctuary would be offered until peace was agreed would that not draw the line on what was acceptable and not.


It would certainly block the economic migrants instantly.

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Apparently people in bristol are being urged to offer the influx of syrian refugees their spare rooms.


Would you give a syrian refugee your spare room?


---------- Post added 04-09-2015 at 13:23 ----------


They should not be here. Full stop. There is no reason for them to come here, we are a long way from Syria,Iraq and Afghanistan, plenty of safe countries between there and here where they can take refuge.


jordan, egypt etc wont take them.

Africa and the middle east have left us right in the doo-doo.....


---------- Post added 04-09-2015 at 13:24 ----------


This I cant accept, theres some massive, relatively prosporous countries washed there hands of this....

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