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Poor migrants from Syria, Iraq and Afghanistan

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And spilled rather a lot of technological beans (no less than the missile's codes and homing radar) to MI6, plus a ton of intelligence assist to stop the Argentines getting more of them through Peru and the black market. A bit of balance never hurts ;)


Bit late for HMS Sheffield and other ships though.

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No mate. Thats just what we are led to believe in order to maintain the billions of £s being given over to the military industrial complex.

We dont need Nukes, we cant even fire them without permission from the US anyway.


There's around 20,000 nukes worldwide. We have a few and we need them. Russia and China are a danger. Even Japans re-arming. Nukes no good against terrorist, but def for Russia/China with territorial expansion ambitions.

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Turkey and Jordan are the closest safe countries for women and children to seek refuge whilst the men fight it out, they also have significantly more land than the UK and a much lower population density, Saudi Arabia is also very close and very rich and can easily afford to offer help to Syrian women and children. There is clearly no need for Syrians, Iraqi's and Afghans to run all the way to the UK to seek safety when there are much larger countries on their door step that can offer them safety.


British children moving out of cities and into the British countryside during the war isn't anything like young men with the occasional women and child running halfway round the world to get here.


Nail hit right on the head.


---------- Post added 10-08-2015 at 17:09 ----------


There's around 20,000 nukes worldwide. We have a few and we need them. Russia and China are a danger. Even Japans re-arming. Nukes no good against terrorist, but def for Russia/China with territorial expansion ambitions.


Another nail hit right on its head.

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There's around 20,000 nukes worldwide. We have a few and we need them. Russia and China are a danger. Even Japans re-arming. Nukes no good against terrorist, but def for Russia/China with territorial expansion ambitions.


No mate. The problem is America, they and their foreign policy is whats dangerous but im glad to see youre believing all their bull

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No mate. The problem is America, they and their foreign policy is whats dangerous but im glad to see youre believing all their bull


Why do you live here in the west? why don't you go and live in Russia or China? serious questions.


Be thankful you're a westerner. Yes, western powers are far from whiter than white, but they're better than the Russians, Indians and the Chinese, and if they had the upper hand over NATO it would be a very different story.

Edited by Hots on
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And the point being??


---------- Post added 10-08-2015 at 17:20 ----------


Build a wall around europes shoreline? Patrol the seas in gun boats?


I'd be all for that. Not literally a wall around ALL the shore line, just in appropriate places; but thorough, 24 hour, 365 days a year gun boat patrols, yeah sure, For the sake of our safety and resources.

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Why do you live here in the west? why don't you go and live in Russia or China? serious questions.




I was born here




Be thankful you're a westerner.

No thanks. Im more ashamed these days. Oh i didnt used to be, ex forces mate. Ive done my bit but now im educated, seen stuff first hand and spoke to people in places of authority i know whats been planned for Syria and then Iran. Same thing that was done to Libya, Afghanistan and Iraq to name just 3.

Now either go and watch Sky news or do yourself a favour. Find your news yourself. That way youll more likely get the real picture instead of the distorted one mainstream media gives you.

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