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Poor migrants from Syria, Iraq and Afghanistan

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as far as i'm aware he was put on an unsafe boat by his parents, not to escape from syria but to cross from turkey to greece.

i wasn't aware that folk were in danger in turkey. if they are should we be offering assylum to the entire population of turkey if they can cross illegally into greece.




Exactly, there is some terrible misreporting going on, and this is being used by the left to try and strong arm countries into taking more refugees. This family were in Turkey, not Syria. When they got on that boat, they were not in danger. The father was an economic migrant, hoping to smuggle his family into Europe for a perceived better life. In doing this he put his children in grave danger by putting them in an overloaded dinghy. I feel very sorry for the poor children , but suddenly everyone is to blame when in reality the father and mother were to blame. The purpose of asylum is to take those fleeing oppression and danger, not take families from Istanbul/ Bodrum to Western Europe so they can claim benefits and housing.


This family was safe in Turkey. The father had a work permit. But he let some trafficker, who probably make 500-1000 euros off them, convince him to go on an unsafe boat.

Edited by johncocker
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I don't know the exact figures in terms of available land space. However assuming they do have the space, they certainly aren't as wealthy as we are. However I'd baulk at the suggestion that we should give money to poorer countries to take those seeking refuge.


The figures are available on WIKI if you look. I disregarded any country below 200,000 km squared in my finding so that places like Monaco do not skew the results as their infrastructure is not comparable to the larger nations like the UK, Germany, France etc.


Maybe the EU could use its money to help these migrants settle in countries like Spain who have the space, are large enough and need the investment.

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Tory backbencher Glyn Davies, the MP for Montgomeryshire, suggests UK should accept an extra 15,000 asylum seekers.


In a blogpost he writes:


What has nauseated me most has been the behaviour of the media over the last couple of weeks. We have been inundated with anti-migrant headlines for years. During the election, it was the top issue, even in Montgomeryshire, driven in part by media frenzy. For the whole of last week, there was one subject leading the news - the failure of the Govt to bring down net immigration ...


The reporting confused economic migrants with refugees (and it’s the latter that lose out).


The events of last few days has not changed my original view. The British people want a significant number of refugees to be allowed into our country to settle. While I’m not convinced it will improve the position overall, I do think it’s worth allowing say 15000 to move here - though I make no suggestion how they should be chosen. It may help. It’s almost impossible to decide what to do for the best. I just think the British people want to do something to help beyond the magnificent work the UK Govt has been doing supporting refugees near their home countries (which is where the solution lies). Anyway, I do think we should allow some to come in.


Even a Tory can see the Right Wing Media stigmatisation and demonisation for what it is.

Edited by chalga
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Green Party Leader Natalie Bennett has told BBC Radio 5 live that Britain should take in about a quarter of a million migrants





Did she sound sober at all?


Can't you just tell there's no election of any meaningful size coming up anytime soon.


Some politicians out to out-rethoric all others really deserve a hard slap reality check.

Edited by L00b
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The devastating thing is the people of this tiny island are generous and incredibly welcoming to those in need as a general rule of thumb, if the people had been listened to regarding the influx of economic migrants over the last 15 - 20 years then they would have had more room for these people fleeing war zones and would have helped so much more, instead we now can't help those people as much as we could because we can't afford, don't have the houses and have lost the will instead to give families from Romania somewhere different when there isn't a great deal wrong with Romania.

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The devastating thing is the people of this tiny island are generous and incredibly welcoming to those in need as a general rule of thumb, if the people had been listened to regarding the influx of economic migrants over the last 15 - 20 years then they would have had more room for these people fleeing war zones and would have helped so much more, instead we now can't help those people as much as we could because we can't afford, don't have the houses and have lost the will instead to give families from Romania somewhere different when there isn't a great deal wrong with Romania.


What a nauseating load of self serving tripe.

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