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Poor migrants from Syria, Iraq and Afghanistan

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Which people have forgot about the millions of people that are much worse off than these migrants?.........how do you know they have forgotten about them?


Have they told you or are you a mind reader?


Oh dear. I suppose you think we should encourage every poor person in the world to come to UK.

People like you make things worse. Much worse for all involved.

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They can be treated like human beings in the first safe country they enter, once there they are much better off than millions of other people around the world. We shouldn't be taking the educated migrants ,we should be helping them to settle in countries that are in much greater need of their skills.


'We' aren't taking them from the first safe country they enter,they are being taken from Syria,they're Syrian refugees from Syria,nothing to do with economic migrants.

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My heart bleeds for the little lad in his 3/4 trousers and trainers,he didn't ask his father to put him on the dinghy,what baffles me his the lads aunt in Canada said she had a place ready for him,then why did he tell the camera he wanted to go to Europe,couldn't he have gone to Canada from Turkey.

Oh and they finished up back in the place from where they came from.

RIP little boy.


Canada refused their application but after the deaths Canada says they would let the father come over but he is nopw staying where the family is buried...

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Won't it be in our best interest to offer a home to those who will contribute the most to us in return?


Why don't we just go the whole hog and swap the good ones for all those already here who don't contribute? There are are loads of pensioners (me) we could send there, along with the sick and disabled who cost us money. Perhaps we should refuse to let children in, after all they will need educating and use the health service! And let's not forget the unemployed. Why are so many people totally selfish and lacking in empathy. I hope you never find yourself in need of help.

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Cameron has got it right. Take the people from Syria after vetting them.Take the doctors,nurses,well educated people who will make a positive contribution to the UK. Use the opportunity to insist we have the right to control all immigration and remove all those from europe such as are infesting parts of our city.If handled correctly we have an opportunity here.


I suppose if he does that he can then reject immigrants from other parts of the world because we will no longer need them, take Syrians instead of other non EU migrants.

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Oh dear. I suppose you think we should encourage every poor person in the world to come to UK.

People like you make things worse. Much worse for all involved.


Suppose away........be my guest,it's like water off a ducks back to me.

The right will blame anybody for what they don't like or don't understand,you only have to read the right wing press,it's their moral weakness and cowardice coming to the fore.

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Canada refused their application but after the deaths Canada says they would let the father come over but he is nopw staying where the family is buried...


Lets hope he stays safe now he is back home and is able to protect his families burial site form the onslaught of IS.


---------- Post added 05-09-2015 at 08:15 ----------


Why don't we just go the whole hog and swap the good ones for all those already here who don't contribute? There are are loads of pensioners (me) we could send there, along with the sick and disabled who cost us money. Perhaps we should refuse to let children in, after all they will need educating and use the health service! And let's not forget the unemployed. Why are so many people totally selfish and lacking in empathy. I hope you never find yourself in need of help.


This must be the worst post I have read since joining this forum, its sick.

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what I cannot work out is, if the father of the sadly deceased children no longer wants to go to Canada because he wants to be with them, thats understandable, but he,s back where he started! what about the persecution, has the threat suddenly gone?

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'We' aren't taking them from the first safe country they enter,they are being taken from Syria,they're Syrian refugees from Syria,nothing to do with economic migrants.


Not quite sure of the accuracy here.I am sure that I saw on the news individuals being interviewed in Calais then in London(the same person).

When asked where he obtained the cash from to get here(illegally) .He answered it was due to cash from his family paying the trafficers.Sorry to be negative,but that hardly constitutes being a persecuted person .Especially when you are family sponsored. I daresay that this is not unique.

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