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Poor migrants from Syria, Iraq and Afghanistan

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I make up my own mind from what I see and hear. Personal experience and mostly my news comes from the BBC with a HUGE pinch of salt. I can see the fact it is mostly young men. Each story that you hear about them fleeing Syria, can be easily shot down by a little background check (think teeth, think Canada).

Yes it is tragic. Yes that boy's death is awful, but letting these human beings in, will only encourage more to follow and to put themselves in danger.

It will also adversely affect our culture and our future. There is also the danger of further terrorism, from those coming and from the second generation who may also be a threat. There are so many reasons as to why we should not open up the floodgates to the swarms coming from Africa. How many have china taken?


Of course,I won't lift a finger to help anybody,because other people haven't lifted a finger to help anybody,just do the same as them and lets all sit in the same stew and do nothing..........it's a great excuse that stands up to the closest of scrutiny.............let's all wait until everybody does something who we think should be doing something..........let's just not only not do something,but Demonise and Stigmatise the ones that we don't want to have anything to do with............then criticise other countries for not doing anything to help people that we shouldn't be having anything to do with.........that makes perfect sense doesn't it?

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Stop the hysteria. Nobody is saying we should invite everybody in the world to come here. People are saying we should have an appropriate response to what has become an international crisis, and that the UK should play its part.


As Loob said earlier what Cameron has (been eventually forced to) come up with is a very sensible policy. It means we can do our bit, help people most in need and people who can help us too, and transit the people we accept safely. I'm quite happy with it.


You may be, :suspect: but there are plenty of loons in Britain who think we should open the gates. I'm not sure where Hali and that other troll TJC stand on it, but certainly the mental Natalie Bennett thought we should start at 250000. :loopy: . The Uk does play its part by sending more overseas aid than just about any other country (I got that from the BBC so it may not be true). Either way we send a great deal. My taxes, of which I pay a LOT, go to help these people in Syria. I suspect the aid, that I indirectly pay, didn't support this guy in Turkey before he packed his family off on an overcrowded boat to seek a better economical outcome for themselves. With tragic results.

We don't want to see any more of this.


---------- Post added 05-09-2015 at 10:50 ----------


Of course,I won't lift a finger to help anybody,because other people haven't lifted a finger to help anybody,just do the same as them and lets all sit in the same stew and do nothing..........it's a great excuse that stands up to the closest of scrutiny.............let's all wait until everybody does something who we think should be doing something..........let's just not only not do something,but Demonise and Stigmatise the ones that we don't want to have anything to do with............then criticise other countries for not doing anything to help people that we shouldn't be having anything to do with.........that makes perfect sense doesn't it?


Who is demonising any one? I have DEFINITELY criticised Abdulla for putting his family at risk, but I cant see any demonising going on?

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You may be, :suspect: but there are plenty of loons in Britain who think we should open the gates. I'm not sure where Hali and that other troll TJC stand on it, but certainly the mental Natalie Bennett thought we should start at 250000. :loopy: . The Uk does play its part by sending more overseas aid than just about any other country (I got that from the BBC so it may not be true). Either way we send a great deal. My taxes, of which I pay a LOT, go to help these people in Syria. I suspect the aid, that I indirectly pay, didn't support this guy in Turkey before he packed his family off on an overcrowded boat to seek a better economical outcome for themselves. With tragic results.

We don't want to see any more of this.


---------- Post added 05-09-2015 at 10:50 ----------



Who is demonising any one? I have DEFINITELY criticised Abdulla for putting his family at risk, but I cant see any demonising going on?


Really???...........those 'Swarms' you are talking about are Human Beings,not ants.

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They're all at it now, Archbishop of Canterbury speaking from Lambeth Palace ,

Wow So he doesn't live in a two bed roomed council flat in a poor part of London. Lord Blunket speaking from his home in the socialist republic of Chatsworth, I thought he lived in Page Hall. Nicola Sturgeon speaking from an independent Scotland, whoops I forgot they didn't vote for independence after realising the financial implications, they waited til the election to go back to voting SNP.its great how they all get plural and talk about we should do this and that while someone else is funding their lifestyles.

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Re: Post #756

The sister in Canada could not afford to sponsor both brothers and their families so she chose the older one. AFAIK the Canadian government did not receive an application for this particular family.


As for taking Syrians, the UK has already done this in the recent past. They were chosen on need and one family, now living in Bradford are here because they have a child with leukaemia. Presumably treatment has been given and hopefully the child is now well.


As has been said, the UK is already giving millions of pounds in aid so it is already doing what it can.

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Stop the hysteria. Nobody is saying we should invite everybody in the world to come here. People are saying we should have an appropriate response to what has become an international crisis, and that the UK should play its part.


As Loob said earlier what Cameron has (been eventually forced to) come up with is a very sensible policy. It means we can do our bit, help people most in need and people who can help us too, and transit the people we accept safely. I'm quite happy with it.


---------- Post added 05-09-2015 at 10:33 ----------



Of course. He took them home for their funeral which only happened a couple of days ago.


We was already doing more than our fair share and because of pressure from a minority we will be doing even more.

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We was already doing more than our fair share and because of pressure from a minority we will be doing even more.


Don't worry,your conscience is clear.


---------- Post added 05-09-2015 at 10:01 ----------


In fact it's disgusting that you are linking people to ants. I'm offended by you. Shame on you.


Great wriggling,the false outrage is impressive,and very funny.

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