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Poor migrants from Syria, Iraq and Afghanistan

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nice of him, dunno if those countries would sell an island though. probably not if it means giving up sovereignty.

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ok but how do you know the 40-50% have degrees is accurate exactly how are any potential employees going to verify their claims?


next you'll be claiming there's qualified pilots that cant speak English :D


How does an employer verify your qualifications?

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The only question is how many do we allow to settle in the EU?


I don't claim to have an answer to that question.


It's obvious that given the chance many millions of people from Africa and Asia would leave their own countries in search of a better life in Europe. Perhaps hundreds of millions would come if we abandoned the passport system altogether. It hardly matters whether they come to escape war (refugees) or escape poverty (economic migrants), the motive is the same, to make a better life in a better country.


So what do we do?

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1. Use military force to bomb the medieval ISIS <REMOVED> back to 1300 where they belong

2. Bomb Asad back to 1200 so him and ISIS can't kick off again

3. Put in place a military zone (pref administered by China as they are barmy enough to take it on) to govern the ME "countries" for the next few decades until whatever drug the crazy gits have been taking gets out of their system.

Oh, and ship the "refugees" (they look pretty well fed and clothed to me) off to Turkey. Turkey's been keeping its fat gob shut for quite a while. I can't help but wonder why


---------- Post added 06-09-2015 at 07:25 ----------


“Society is like a stew. If you don’t stir it up every once in a while then a layer of scum floats to the top.” - Edward Abbey

(CND's by-line)


If that were true, then Edward Abbey would be a lot more famous.

Edited by nikki-red
Masked swearing
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Do you know?


I know the mass movement of people into Europe started after IS threatened to flood Europe with 500,000 migrants and fighters.

I know that the UK government is concerned about people coming back to the UK from that region.

I know that Saudi Arabia and other Arab states also fear an influx of IS fighters if they allow migrants to enter their countries.

I know that if I was the leader of IS and wanted to invade the West this is the method I would use because they can't beat us conventionally but they can have a huge affect on our way of life by using terrorist activities.

I know that we are safer if we send aid to them instead of bringing them to the aid.


Do you know that they are all genuine refugees and pose no danger to our way of life, do you know that they will all integrate into British society and never commit terrorist acts on British soil. Do you know that no British people will suffer or die as a consequence of them being allowed into the UK?


---------- Post added 06-09-2015 at 07:55 ----------


Interesting snippet I heard tonight on the news. 40-50% of the adult Syrian refugees are educated to degree level. The people running the German economy are delighted they're arriving.


You can either behave reasonably like the Germans have. Or you can project an image as a war-mongering country that refuses to live up to its moral obligations. If you do the latter then one month, one year, one decade down the line it's gonna bite you again and again and again.


Then why does Germany want everyone to take some, if they are well educated and Germany needs them why don't they have them all, they have enough empty property to house them all. Is the UK in short supply of people educated to degree level or young people wanting to study to degree level?

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It's going to have to be quite a big island; and I think the Greeks or Italians mightbe too proud to agree. But at least it's an idea that deserves a try?

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