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State ownership of companies

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You've not presented much in the way of compelling facts though.....


how to save £200 billion plus by scrapping trident and foreign wars and chasing tax?

or the fact nurses on 21k start on less than teachers.

or hs2 saving half time on train journeys and boosting productivity?


which one would you like to debate?

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I said you've not provided any compelling facts that lend credence to your arguments.


When you don, come back and have another go but there's little point going round in circles with a zealot who sticks his fingers in his ears and spouts mindlessly facts that are correct but don't support his argument.

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seems to me, this thread shows people want to spend money on what they think is important only, not necessarily the greater good. even when presented with facts!


Trident is for the greater good. If we were destroyed by Russian nukes, or invaded by them under threat of being nuked, all else would be academic.

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Trident is for the greater good. If we were destroyed by Russian nukes, or invaded by them under threat of being nuked, all else would be academic.


if a global nuclear war started, the last thing you will be worrying about is government spending.:help:

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if a global nuclear war started, the last thing you will be worrying about is government spending.:help:


You really want to get into a situation where people who want to destroy us have these weapons and we don't?

You haven't thought this through.

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