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how to save £200 billion plus by scrapping trident and foreign wars and chasing tax?

or the fact nurses on 21k start on less than teachers.

or hs2 saving half time on train journeys and boosting productivity?


which one would you like to debate?


Did you say you have a PhD? What subject? :|


Of this £200billion you made up, (which was actually £126b, and trident would be £3.7 per year, not the 50 total) - can you explain how you get the whole £46b back from past wars? :confused:


costed it up have you?


Heres some figures which are real and are known:


30bn tax shortfall

50bn total trident

37bn spunked on afghanistan war

9bn on iraq war


simply by having a no foreign war policy, scrapping trident and closing the tax gap shortfall we have billions to play with - thats without even trying or looking at other things.




if a global nuclear war started, the last thing you will be worrying about is government spending.:help:


What kind of response is that?

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That was my point, to you. :roll:


Agree with the point.


---------- Post added 11-08-2015 at 22:40 ----------


You really want to get into a situation where people who want to destroy us have these weapons and we don't?

You haven't thought this through.


Peace and love...

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What do you propose, trident nuclear submarine?

Love it how the hard right work themselves into a corner about this. Sit back and watch the fireworks:hihi:


we are doing. i note the polls have labour losing another 3 points since corbyn came to the fore. :hihi::hihi:

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What do you propose, trident nuclear submarine?

Love it how the hard right work themselves into a corner about this. Sit back and watch the fireworks:hihi:


It get's us membership of NATO, the mutual defence pact which has kept the peace in Europe for 70 years, at minimal cost (3/5 of the cost of 120 miles of railway we don't need).

It says to the world: Try to conquer us and you'll get vaporised.

It also says, perhaps more importantly these days, nuke us and you'll get worse back.


It's not ideal, but then what's the alternative?

Try to conquer us and maybe the US will take pity and come over and kick you out, even though we broke our mutual defence pact with them?

Nuke us and we'll send a strongly worded letter of protest to the UN?


Try to get some reality into your case. Right now it looks very silly.

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It get's us membership of NATO, the mutual defence pact which has kept the peace in Europe for 70 years, at minimal cost (3/5 of the cost of 120 miles of railway we don't need).

It says to the world: Try to conquer us and you'll get vaporised.

It also says, perhaps more importantly these days, nuke us and you'll get worse back.


It's not ideal, but then what's the alternative?

Try to conquer us and maybe the US will take pity and come over and kick you out, even though we broke our mutual defence pact with them?

Nuke us and we'll send a strongly worded letter of protest to the UN?


Try to get some reality into your case. Right now it looks very silly.


As silly as fighting jihadi terrorists with a trident nuclear sub :loopy:


---------- Post added 12-08-2015 at 10:49 ----------


we are doing. i note the polls have labour losing another 3 points since corbyn came to the fore. :hihi::hihi:


Preparing trident to fight terrorists? Ok then.

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As silly as fighting jihadi terrorists with a trident nuclear sub :loopy:


---------- Post added 12-08-2015 at 10:49 ----------



Preparing trident to fight terrorists? Ok then.


Do you seriously think that there is zero nuclear threat from organisations like ISIS and Al-Qaeda? I'm amazed to be honest that they haven't tried some form of dirty bomb or a full scale nuclear IED already. They really are not difficult to build.

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Do you seriously think that there is zero nuclear threat from organisations like ISIS and Al-Qaeda? I'm amazed to be honest that they haven't tried some form of dirty bomb or a full scale nuclear IED already. They really are not difficult to build.


Not difficult to build at all, but a decent size state would have to provide the nuclear material. They'll damn well think twice if we have a nuclear armed submarine nearby ready to vaporise them in response.

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