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State ownership of companies

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Wikipedia that did you...so are you still asserting we aim a nuclear missile at the terrorists or now is it a whole country?

You just cant get your argument straight.




No actually it came from my physics degree from that building up Western Bank, not that I'd expect you to consider that when you can have a bit of an abusive dig. You simply can't let anyone have a view different to you can you..? And when they do, it's time for the attacks ad hominem. What's the matter, didn't mummy teach you it's OK to lose occasionally? Sheesh...



How about putting resources into intelligence and infiltrating networks...just an idea. It seems to work on the whole.


What makes you think I wasn't advocating that?


But when that fails - as it sadly does - or have you forgotten 9/11, 7/7, Lee Rigby, the Madrid train bombs, Richard Reid, etc etc.... what then?


We just roll over and take a big fat nuke up the backside? Because that's what you seem to be saying unless I'm missing something.

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Keep china and usa on side we will be ok.

Scrap trident, waste of money.


We're going round in circles.


How are you going to keep the USA on side whilst withdrawing from our mutual defence agreement?


You've just spent all the money we'd set aside for mutual defence with the USA giving nurses a pay rise. Even though you could have achieved more by not laying 120 miles of useless train tracks.

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I think you mean nationalisation.


When was it running well?


Non-profits. I see. Have you ever had any dealings with the student loans company? They're a non-profit working at arms length for the state. You've never seen a bigger shambles.


Private companies run on a sort of natural selection, like evolution. The weak, inefficient ones die and the strong efficient ones that provide good service and good value survive. That's what makes a modern civilisation work. It's no good moving things in and out of state ownership unless you have this. We have some of it with rail. More would be good, but with so much state regulation and other state involvement it's a bit of a lost cause.

Non-profits monopolies are immune from this effect and so are generally dreadful. They're nationalisation by another name.


Force the rail system to compete on a level playing field with other transport. Minimise government involvement in the whole business of transport. Then you'll start getting value for money. Nothing else works.


Oh really !

That's why The banks all died and went to heaven is it? They were regulated to death. No sorry, I am wrong they just went to heaven with all our cash. We can't afford to let them collapse or even tell them they have to pull their belts in a notch. No baked beans on toast for their main meal of the day. Champagne all round and bonuses as usual.

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We're going round in circles.


How are you going to keep the USA on side whilst withdrawing from our mutual defence agreement?


You've just spent all the money we'd set aside for mutual defence with the USA giving nurses a pay rise. Even though you could have achieved more by not laying 120 miles of useless train tracks.


What's new? its getting kind of boring now. its all just opinion, non of us has a clue whats in store.

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Everybody gets expenses if they're justified in the performance of their job.

I used to get sent all over. I'd collect receipts, hand them into my employer, then a couple of months and some arguing later, I'd probably get the money back.


Nobody is expected to pay for things that their work requires them to do out of their own pocket.

An obvious exclusion applies for the matter of getting to and from your primary workplace.


Ask your MP Why they get Travel Expenses a second home and subsidised meals and alcohol when a gardener cannot claim the expense of chiropractic treatment to enable them to keep working.


---------- Post added 12-08-2015 at 17:42 ----------


You admit we are fighting an unreasonable foe that could build a nuclear device, that are perfectly willing to die inglouriously in a suicide run... and you think we should get rid of the only deterrence we have against that?


You are not making a logical argument here. They are willing to die and ingloriously at that. So a nuclear deterrent is no deterrent at all. A Martyr gives themselves entirely to a cause not to reason.


So we get rid of Trident, and ISIS decides to spend three months building a gun assembly bomb that they drive into London.... it's rather trivially easy to build a working bomb you know.....

A bomb built in London to use against the UK?

You are now using reverse logic. How would our nuclear armoury be a deterrent if the bomb was in London. We would hardly bomb our own people.

You are now sounding as crazy as a Jihad Terrorist.


The need for a credible deterrence has never been greater. Putin is getting even more authoritarian,

This I can accept .

we have fundamentalists agitating all over the place, and the world is becoming more unstable....

And we are adding to the instability.


Getting rid of Trident is an astoundingly bad move.

You may be right but your arguments are spurious.

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Oh really !

That's why The banks all died and went to heaven is it? They were regulated to death. No sorry, I am wrong they just went to heaven with all our cash. We can't afford to let them collapse or even tell them they have to pull their belts in a notch. No baked beans on toast for their main meal of the day. Champagne all round and bonuses as usual.


I already said the banks should have been allowed to fail. Weak banks survived because the government chose to save them.

Please read the rest of the thread. I don't think I should have to keep repeating myself.

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Ask your MP Why they get Travel Expenses a second home and subsidised meals and alcohol when a gardener cannot claim the expense of chiropractic treatment to enable them to keep working.


The self employed can claim for lots of things.

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Ask your MP Why they get Travel Expenses a second home and subsidised meals and alcohol when a gardener cannot claim the expense of chiropractic treatment to enable them to keep working.


---------- Post added 12-08-2015 at 17:42 ----------


You may be right but your arguments are spurious.


Would you mind fixing your quotes please so you don't attribute things to me that I never said.

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Would you mind fixing your quotes please so you don't attribute things to me that I never said.


Sorry Obelix.

I did not attribute to you what you have quoted back to me.

Do you mean insert quote marks as in commas ".........."

Edited by Margarita Ma
To insert commas
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