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Bussiness plan for funds

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Being unemployed and getting an unsecured loan will be a challenge ! I would suggest that you put on a big drive to try to get a job asap, at the same time developing a business plan. Another challenge may be if you are not a permanent resident/citizen, that will make the banks nervous. They will be concerned about your ability to disappear if the going gets tough !

One other consideration. I would only use retail banks as a last resort. What you could consider is a third party investor, or relatives/friends to raise the equity you need.


Looking at the responses you have received, you have been given some good advice.


Might be an idea to get a summary of your plan together (say no more than 2 pages) and take into your confidence someone you trust to review it with. I can understand why you would not want to go into detail in a public Forum !


I'd avoid retail banks altogether too if possible. So many other avenues nowadays.

When times are good or bad they may go after you for increased repayments or bump up the interest on credit cards from experience.


Banks don't give a hoot about small business, only shareholders.

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