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you were calling migrants 'terrorists' in another thread. are you sure you didnt mean to join ukip?


You don't seem to know the difference between a Migrant and men waving knives and guns at lorry drivers or throwing blocks of concrete and bricks to stop lorries so that they can break in to them.

What do you call it when someone terrifies a driver to get what they want?

I call it terrorism.

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You don't seem to know the difference between a Migrant and men waving knives and guns at lorry drivers or throwing blocks of concrete and bricks to stop lorries so that they can break in to them.

What do you call it when someone terrifies a driver to get what they want?

I call it terrorism.


With that definition you've just described the Daily Mail.

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Are you so simple? Please try to follow 1. to 2.


1 = "What do you call it when someone terrifies a driver to get what they want?"


2 = "With that definition you've just described the Daily Mail."


In No. 1 - Substitute 'driver' for 'reader'. The rest then falls into place.


WiseOwl182 - Are you a pedant? or is it that you don't have an imagination, or inclination, to try to figure out what other people are on about. Please try to be 'open minded' or is that impossible for you?

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Since when did a Newspaper become a knife are you getting confused with a 3D printer? Please stop trying to change the Topic and concentrate on the subject.


2 options here:


1) read flanker7s comment explaining a fairly obvious joke to you


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So this is how you try to silence debate!

Well you are just showing how petty and ignorant you are willing to behave.

For people who supposedly had some kind of education you are a disgrace to the social system of this country.

If you cannot do better than try to hijack a thread and belittle anyone who has the nerve to use their own brain then you have good reason to be ashamed of yourselves.

No reasoned arguments, no logical analysis, no questions. Just a feeble attempt to shore up the status quo without understanding what that really means for everyone but the super rich.

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