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Ex Pats.job Situation Abroad?


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Its hard to settle in any new county without a trade so min wage shouldn't apply,the only way I would live back in England was if I won the lotto and my wife draged me back to one of those villages in the south,but having said that, U.K as so much to offer rich history,more things to do ,(more crime).Canada lots to offer with vast area and lifestyle to chose from, great place if you'er outdoor type if you like fishing & or hunting

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You would have to state what your skills are before anyone can advise you on the job situation.

The best thing to do if you are considering Canada would be to contact Canada immigration in London and ask what skills would qualify you to enter the country.



Cynthia, Ontario, Canada.

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Whats the job situation like where you live? Is there a minimum wage etc?

Whats the cost of living like?


Being retired Idont know , but if anyone can speak French Ihave heard there is no problem getting a good job due to the big influx of english people.

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I have lived in Holland for 18 years when I came here it was a great place tolerant free thinking abundant work.


The last four years of a conservative government have turned the place 180 degrees.

Work is hard to find without good qulifications and the ability to speak dutch.

Plenty of call center work for native speakers of other languages.


The cost of living has gone through the roof since the euro.

Insurance costs have doubled in one year.

The dutch are no longer open and tolerant of foriegners and bureaucracy has reached mind boggling proportions

It would also be very difficult to find a place to live.


If you think about moving to Holland i am sure there are possibilitys but you had better do your homework first and have your eyes wide open.


Check out http://www.expatica.com there you will find alot of info in english from people already living in the Netherlands


Good luck Bob Amsterdam

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