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Which Star Trek Series Did You Like Most?


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As a kid growing up in the 80s, it has to be the Next Generation as my all time favourite. I agree, the producers did start to run out of interesting material towards the end, although the series finale was an exception. Deep Space Nine got off to a sluggish start, however it really picked up when the writers started to develop the massive Dominion War story arc. Voyager was similar in that it got better as the series progressed especially after the introduction of Seven of Nine. Enterprise was ok, although as with DS9 the writers started to introduce more story arcs in seasons two and three. Shame it got cancelled as it was just starting to get interesting.


1. Next Generation

2. Deep Space 9

3. Voyager

4. Original Series

5. Enterprise

6. Animated Series

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Voyager. There were a couple of things that annoyed me (nelix) but it was a good show, that was allowed to finish properly, a luxury sadly not afforded to enterprise and even worse STargate universe.


Stargate Universe made the mistake of being a bit dull right up until the final few episodes.


Anyway for me it is Next Generation, Original (my brother must have spent a small fortune in Sheffield Space Centre buying these on VHS), Voyager, DS9, Enterprise (which I never really got into).


I put Voyager over DS9 purely because so many of the characters in DS9 are annoying.

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1 - TNG

2 - TOS

3 - Voyager

4 - DS9

5 - Enterprise


I've just been watching the TOS movies on Sci-Fi channel. I'd rank them in the following order:


1 - Star Trek II - The Wrath of Khan

2 - Star Trek VI - The Undiscovered Country

3 - Star Trek I - The Motion Picture

4 - Star Trek III - The Search for Spock

5 - Star Trek IV - The Voyage Home

6 - Star Trek V - The Final Frontier.


My worst three TOS movies were directed by either Shatner or Nimoy!

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I still enjoy the mini series within the series. The first four of many of these for me is:-


The Best Of Both Worlds (Next Generation)

Scorpion (Voyager)

Demons & Terra Prime (Enterprise)

Shockwave (Enterprise)


I don't think I can pick a favourite series out of them all as they were very different in some good and some bad ways. The films also were very varied. I still have a laugh at Scotty trying to talk to the computer mouse in The Voyage Home.


I'll go out on a limb (for today. Ask me next week and it will probably be different)





Next Generation



Deep Space Nine





First Contact

The Motion Picture

Voyage Home


Star Trek


No order to the rest

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For me Deep Space Nine was number one followed by Voyager.


I prefer the original series, followed by DS9.


Enterprise season 1 makes for an effective cure for insomnia. Brannon & Braga were both played out by this point and it doesn't help that they had a barely disguised contempt for TOS.


Manny Coto did his best to perk up the scripts but the Enterprise characters were pretty unlikable and played by miscast actors to boot.


So-called "trained diplomat" Jonathan Archer threatening to pee on some sacred trees ("A Night in Sickbay") must have been a franchise low point.

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