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Free loft insulation- costing me more to keep house cool..

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Really regret taking up the loft insulation offer now - my house is no warmer in winter and my fuel bills reflect that ... no cheaper...however I've noticed that the house is much warmer in summer and I'm actually spending more on electricity keeping an electric fan running to cool things down!

This loft insulation really has to go , any ideas on how to recycle it , and is anyone having the same problems?

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Really regret taking up the loft insulation offer now - my house is no warmer in winter and my fuel bills reflect that ... no cheaper...however I've noticed that the house is much warmer in summer and I'm actually spending more on electricity keeping an electric fan running to cool things down!

This loft insulation really has to go , any ideas on how to recycle it , and is anyone having the same problems?


Without loft insulation it will cost more to keep your house warm in winter and more to keep it cool in summer, this is a fact. Your loft space will be significantly warmer than your living space in summer and without loft insulation some of that heat will make your living space warmer.

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I dont think its a serious post, how can the house be hotter, with no heating on.


Is your house a solid wall? If so then your home will be absorbing heat from the outside through the walls and then rising. Because of your loft insulation it stops the risen heat from escaping through the roof hence why it seems hotter than before.


Your loft insulation is working but your walls are doing the opposite in summer. Outside heat coming in and in winter inside heat going out. If you had well insulated walls you would have a cheaper to heat house in winter and a cool house in summer.


There is a slight disadvantage with well insulated houses. Your heating will be needed earlier in Autumn and later in Spring but overall you will be better off.

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Is your house a solid wall? If so then your home will be absorbing heat from the outside through the walls and then rising. Because of your loft insulation it stops the risen heat from escaping through the roof hence why it seems hotter than before.


Your loft insulation is working but your walls are doing the opposite in summer. Outside heat coming in and in winter inside heat going out. If you had well insulated walls you would have a cheaper to heat house in winter and a cool house in summer.


There is a slight disadvantage with well insulated houses. Your heating will be needed earlier in Autumn and later in Spring but overall you will be better off.


It wouldn't escape through the roof because the temperature up there will already be much higher than the outside temperature, without insulation that would be additional heat radiating down into the bedrooms. If you have good loft insulation the loft space will be cold in winter and very hot in summer, and one without insulation will be warmer in winter because of heat loss from the house and cooler in summer because the heat can radiate down into the house, it's much more comfortable working in an uninsulated loft space.

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Is your house a solid wall? If so then your home will be absorbing heat from the outside through the walls and then rising. Because of your loft insulation it stops the risen heat from escaping through the roof hence why it seems hotter than before.


Your loft insulation is working but your walls are doing the opposite in summer. Outside heat coming in and in winter inside heat going out. If you had well insulated walls you would have a cheaper to heat house in winter and a cool house in summer.


There is a slight disadvantage with well insulated houses. Your heating will be needed earlier in Autumn and later in Spring but overall you will be better off.


There may some truth in what you're saying but I'm wondering if you're oversimplifying things a bit. There's a lot of factors involved.


Really regret taking up the loft insulation offer now - my house is no warmer in winter and my fuel bills reflect that ... no cheaper...however I've noticed that the house is much warmer in summer and I'm actually spending more on electricity keeping an electric fan running to cool things down!

This loft insulation really has to go , any ideas on how to recycle it , and is anyone having the same problems?


There's a lot down to perception here. You're claiming its hotter but maybe its just a hotter summer.


Also the cost of running a fan for an entire 6 months of the year constantly is about £10 (which is a massive overestimation of how long you'll have it on for). I severely doubt you've noticed that extra cost


(hours in half a year * wattage of fan * cost per kWH = 4368 * 0.05 * 0.10 = £10.50)


My advice is don't remove the loft insulation, it will reduce your bills on winter heating. The energy required to heat is CONSIDERABLY more than the energy required to run a fan. I'd suggest you invest in some draught excluders and possible look at your windows to see if they could be improved.

Edited by TimmyR
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Really regret taking up the loft insulation offer now - my house is no warmer in winter and my fuel bills reflect that ... no cheaper...however I've noticed that the house is much warmer in summer and I'm actually spending more on electricity keeping an electric fan running to cool things down!


Maybe they've installed it the wrong way round? :)

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What the OP describes doesn't really sound very likely does it. Not warmer in the winter, so it's not actually working to insulate at all, and actually hotter in the summer, so instead of keeping roof space heat out of the house, it's somehow bringing it in...


Perhaps it was all a scam and what they actually did was remove his existing insulation and leave none in the loft at all.

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