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Unemployment up.

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Surprised no-ones mentioned that unemployment rose a modest 25,000 on the last figures. I know that the Labour party appears to me imploding over Corbyn but even so...


Why's it climbed? Output is up, orders are up, the economy is on the uptick happily... but unemployment is also up.


This leads to the conclusion that productivity is up - it's the only way you get to do more with less people. So why's that rising?


Ah that'd be the new minimum wage aka Living Wage that's coming in. It's going to be cheaper to get a new machine to do some of the work, than pay people to do the work instead.


Is this a good thing? Well if the economy picks up then overall yes - although the higher productivity means that less people are going to be employed. Unintended consequences etc...

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Surprised no-ones mentioned that unemployment rose a modest 25,000 on the last figures. I know that the Labour party appears to me imploding over Corbyn but even so...


Why's it climbed? Output is up, orders are up, the economy is on the uptick happily... but unemployment is also up.


This leads to the conclusion that productivity is up - it's the only way you get to do more with less people. So why's that rising?


Ah that'd be the new minimum wage aka Living Wage that's coming in. It's going to be cheaper to get a new machine to do some of the work, than pay people to do the work instead.


Is this a good thing? Well if the economy picks up then overall yes - although the higher productivity means that less people are going to be employed. Unintended consequences etc...


Employment is also up, but the number of people of working age is also up due to the high number of immigrants seeking work in the UK. So not that good for society or the economy.

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Surprised no-ones mentioned that unemployment rose a modest 25,000 on the last figures. I know that the Labour party appears to me imploding over Corbyn but even so...


Why's it climbed? Output is up, orders are up, the economy is on the uptick happily... but unemployment is also up.


This leads to the conclusion that productivity is up - it's the only way you get to do more with less people. So why's that rising?


Ah that'd be the new minimum wage aka Living Wage that's coming in. It's going to be cheaper to get a new machine to do some of the work, than pay people to do the work instead.


Is this a good thing? Well if the economy picks up then overall yes - although the higher productivity means that less people are going to be employed. Unintended consequences etc...


NMW was never really a good thing, we managed quite well letting the market decide before. Younger ones can't remember before it, so would think a removal of it as being insane. Another balls up from Labour. It's now become necessary as it is ingrained as much to be political suicide to remove it.

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Surprised no-ones mentioned that unemployment rose a modest 25,000 on the last figures. I know that the Labour party appears to me imploding over Corbyn but even so...


It wasn't really mentioned much when it was falling either, it will be interesting to see where the figures go over the next quarter to see if it is a trend forming or just a blip.

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