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So when Mintplumbing comes round and does a really half arsed job and water starts pouring through my ceiling and I ring up to complain will the response be


Mintplumbing :Maybe God is making you believe water is coming through your ceiling....he moves in mysterious ways


Me: No, water is definitely coming through my ceiling


Mintplumbing: That's just your opinion, you might be wrong. You're not a plumber, I've only got your word for it that water is coming through your ceiling.


Me: No, it is, really. I'm getting wet


Mintplumbing: No, God is testing you by making you feel wet


Me: Are you going to come round and fix my ceiling or what?


Mintplumbing: But do you have a ceiling or is that just an opinion?


Me: Fix my ceiling


Mintplumbing: The evidence of your ceiling and the flood has been planted by God.


Me: I've had a civil engineer and a structural engineer round to look at my ceiling, they both say water is coming through


Mintplumbing: That's only their subjective opinions


Me: Look, here's photographic evidence (see attachment)


Mintplumbing: God made that up to test you


etc etc ad infinitum

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Whatever, you win the Internet

No, taxman does:


So when Mintplumbing comes round and does a really half arsed job and water starts pouring through my ceiling and I ring up to complain will the response be


Mintplumbing :Maybe God is making you believe water is coming through your ceiling....he moves in mysterious ways


Me: No, water is definitely coming through my ceiling


Mintplumbing: That's just your opinion, you might be wrong. You're not a plumber, I've only got your word for it that water is coming through your ceiling.


Me: No, it is, really. I'm getting wet


Mintplumbing: No, God is testing you by making you feel wet


Me: Are you going to come round and fix my ceiling or what?


Mintplumbing: But do you have a ceiling or is that just an opinion?


Me: Fix my ceiling


Mintplumbing: The evidence of your ceiling and the flood has been planted by God.


Me: I've had a civil engineer and a structural engineer round to look at my ceiling, they both say water is coming through


Mintplumbing: That's only their subjective opinions


Me: Look, here's photographic evidence (see attachment)


Mintplumbing: God made that up to test you


etc etc ad infinitum

Bravo! :hihi:

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How does having an unexplained allergic reaction tell you about its cause, especially if I wanted to know what exactly was going on in my skin to result in those red bumps?


This post is unrelated to the post I answered.


Whose opinion carries more weight in a discussion about what might have caused an allergic reaction: an immunologist's or a bus driver's?




I suffer from multiple allergies, I'm even allergic to anti allergy drugs, and each time I have a reaction I find the cause, so the best person to talk to about what might have caused my allergic reaction is me. An immunologist wouldn't have a clue what caused my reaction, they would want to talk to me, making me the best person to talk to about my reaction.

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And you don't think it is at all possible for God to have created it to give that impression, or that the people making these claims are wrong?


No. Science doesn't work that way. Goddidit is not a scientific argument.


As to the people being wrong - you can do the science yourself and come to your conclusions. Thing is - those conclusions are always the same assuming you dont make any errors.

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Scientific method isn't 'taking someone's word for it'. :hihi:


So everything you know is the result of your own scientific findings. You know how far the earth is away from the sun because you did the calculation, you know what the sun is made of because you conducted the experiments.




You're right. The closed mindedness of those who think ghosts are real is truly astonishing. I think we've established by now the unreliability of perception and personal experience. You can add to that tricks of memory, and the power of confirmation bias motivated by a dearly held and Mulder-like desire to believe.

So you are closed minded to the possibility of ghosts.



It's not up to me to disprove a claim that a ghost has been spotted; it's up to the spotter to provide the evidence to support the claim. I couldn't 'prove' that what they've seen wasn't a ghost; I could only suggest the most likely explanation based on what's been established over decades of research and discussion.


The spotter has no need to prove anything, they saw so they believe, if you claim they didn't see a ghost it is for you to support your claim that they didn't see a ghost.


---------- Post added 17-08-2015 at 20:00 ----------


So when Mintplumbing comes round and does a really half arsed job and water starts pouring through my ceiling and I ring up to complain will the response be


Mintplumbing :Maybe God is making you believe water is coming through your ceiling....he moves in mysterious ways


Me: No, water is definitely coming through my ceiling


Mintplumbing: That's just your opinion, you might be wrong. You're not a plumber, I've only got your word for it that water is coming through your ceiling.


Me: No, it is, really. I'm getting wet


Mintplumbing: No, God is testing you by making you feel wet


Me: Are you going to come round and fix my ceiling or what?


Mintplumbing: But do you have a ceiling or is that just an opinion?


Me: Fix my ceiling


Mintplumbing: The evidence of your ceiling and the flood has been planted by God.


Me: I've had a civil engineer and a structural engineer round to look at my ceiling, they both say water is coming through


Mintplumbing: That's only their subjective opinions


Me: Look, here's photographic evidence (see attachment)


Mintplumbing: God made that up to test you


etc etc ad infinitum


If someone rings and claims they have water coming through their ceiling I would accept their word for it, because they are the best person to know that water is coming through their ceiling, some of you lot would want a peer reviewed paper before believing them. :)


---------- Post added 17-08-2015 at 20:05 ----------


No. Science doesn't work that way. Goddidit is not a scientific argument.


As to the people being wrong - you can do the science yourself and come to your conclusions. Thing is - those conclusions are always the same assuming you dont make any errors.


So have you carried out every experiment that was ever done so know that they are accurate, or did you just believe the people that claim to have carried out the experiments.


You also dismiss the possibility that God fabricated evidence for humans to find when he created the earth.

Edited by MintPlumbing
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This post is unrelated to the post I answered.

To be fair, your answer didn't have much to do with my question, either, but pressing on... Having an allergic reaction tells you that you're having an allergic reaction. It tells you little about what caused it, unless it's an allergic contact dermatitis and from its site the cause is immediately apparent.

I suffer from multiple allergies, I'm even allergic to anti allergy drugs, and each time I have a reaction I find the cause, so the best person to talk to about what might have caused my allergic reaction is me. An immunologist wouldn't have a clue what caused my reaction, they would want to talk to me, making me the best person to talk to about my reaction.

The best person to talk to in order to narrow down the possibilities about what caused your allergic reaction is you, according to your daily interactions. You're also the best person to describe your symptoms.


The best person to establish the cause is the clinical immunologist who examines your test results.

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To be fair, your answer didn't have much to do with my question, either, but pressing on... Having an allergic reaction tells you that you're having an allergic reaction. It tells you little about what caused it, unless it's an allergic contact dermatitis and from its site the cause is immediately apparent.


The best person to talk to in order to narrow down the possibilities about what caused your allergic reaction is you, according to your daily interactions. You're also the best person to describe your symptoms.


The best person to establish the cause is the clinical immunologist who examines your test results.


You asked whose opinion carries more weight in a discussion about what might have caused an allergic reaction, I answered the person with the allergic reaction, you appear to now agree with me even though you think my answer was unrelated to the question.

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So everything you know is the result of your own scientific findings. You know how far the earth is away from the sun because you did the calculation, you know what the sun is made of because you conducted the experiments.

You're having a laugh now, aren't you? That doesn't even begin to approach what I said :hihi: .

So you are closed minded to the possibility of ghosts.

No. Show me the evidence, as stated above, and if I'm convinced I'll happily acknowledge the existence of ghosts.

The spotter has no need to prove anything, they saw so they believe, ...

Is that what they saw? Is that face in the tree a ghost or did they see a face because they're programmed to make meaningful shapes out of random visual noise because our ancestors had to be wary of deadly predators hiding in the shadows? Do you believe David Blaine can walk on water because your eyes tell you that he can?

if you claim they didn't see a ghost it is for you to support your claim that they didn't see a ghost.

I refer you to the answer I gave some moments ago. You really do need a text about how this evidence malarky works.

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So when Mintplumbing comes round and does a really half arsed job and water starts pouring through my ceiling and I ring up to complain will the response be


Mintplumbing :Maybe God is making you believe water is coming through your ceiling....he moves in mysterious ways


Me: No, water is definitely coming through my ceiling


Mintplumbing: That's just your opinion, you might be wrong. You're not a plumber, I've only got your word for it that water is coming through your ceiling.


Me: No, it is, really. I'm getting wet


Mintplumbing: No, God is testing you by making you feel wet


Me: Are you going to come round and fix my ceiling or what?


Mintplumbing: But do you have a ceiling or is that just an opinion?


Me: Fix my ceiling


Mintplumbing: The evidence of your ceiling and the flood has been planted by God.


Me: I've had a civil engineer and a structural engineer round to look at my ceiling, they both say water is coming through


Mintplumbing: That's only their subjective opinions


Me: Look, here's photographic evidence (see attachment)


Mintplumbing: God made that up to test you


etc etc ad infinitum

Although actually if you called half the people on here.


Discodown: My pipes have burst and there is water coming through my ceiling


SF User : Well, its actually dihydrogen monoxide and not water to give it its proper name and are you sure its pouring and not trickling or running?


And are you sure its your ceiling? If you're still paying a mortgage its technically the banks ceiling although depending on how much mortgage you owe most of it could be yours I suppose, then again if you rent the ceiling will never be yours and it'll always belong to the landlord.


Also are you sure its coming through the ceiling and not going down the walls? In fact how do you know the pipes have burst are you a structural engineer or a geologist? For all I know you could be anyone, i'm going to need to see evidence of your identity, your qualifications, your right to reside in the house and the source of the leak.


Then i'm going to need to know that you are a person of financial good standing and you'll be able to pay my bill before I start and that before I step foot in the property there are no foodstuffs offensive, fattening, from a major supermarket, also that your children are perfectly behaved, that you call your pets furbabies and that you want Castle Market perfectly restored and Redgates back. Once i've got all that in writing I might come and see what the problem is...




...are you still there...


...goddamn timewasters

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You asked whose opinion carries more weight in a discussion about what might have caused an allergic reaction, I answered the person with the allergic reaction, you appear to now agree with me even though you think my answer was unrelated to the question.

Your reading comprehension is as suspect as your understanding of how evidence works.

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