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Egotistical Google Experts

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Posters who reply to posts giving ''expert'' opinion from two minutes of reading it up on google.







adjective: egotistical


excessively conceited or absorbed in oneself; self-centred.

"he's selfish, egotistical, and arrogant"


synonyms: self-centred, selfish, egocentric, egomaniacal, self-interested, self-seeking, self-regarding, self-absorbed, self-obsessed, self-loving, narcissistic, vain, conceited, proud, self-important; boastful, bragging

"an egotistic lifestyle is a very bad sign indeed"


antonyms: altruistic, modest


Just looked this up on google :hihi:

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Only part-quoting me to change to context of my post?



You did that in post 128, you part quoted a conversation in which two unrelated questions had been asked and two unrelated answer given. This lead to you making a false claim based on your error.


---------- Post added 19-08-2015 at 16:57 ----------


You want me to prove my opinion about anecdotes... No, you've said that if someone has an opinion it is inviolable, the truth.

No and No I haven't


And you think I'm wrong. You said in that post that an opinion couldn't be wrong.
No I didn't.

You being wrong is obviously what I'm experiencing right now, that you are claiming I'm wrong about. Duh.




---------- Post added 19-08-2015 at 16:57 ----------


You're mixing words here.


Its your mix up not mine.


---------- Post added 19-08-2015 at 16:59 ----------


Even true anecdotes are pretty much worthless as evidence.


Why are peoples observations of an event worthless as evidence?


---------- Post added 19-08-2015 at 17:02 ----------


No, a self selecting group in a limited geographical area, posting anecdotes, are unlikely to expose anything except local trends, and even then the self selecting nature of the group probably renders any apparent trends meaningless and misleading.


---------- Post added 19-08-2015 at 14:34 ----------



If you take the anecdote at face value then the cyclist almost certainly had a problem as he hit a trailer.

Knowing local trends is useful.

You can also find national trends if the groups of people aren't from the same geographical area.


---------- Post added 19-08-2015 at 17:06 ----------


Mint then says that my opinion can't be wrong...


I have said no such thing.

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I thought we were on topic. Mint is maintaining that opinions can't be wrong, and that providing evidence to counter them from google doesn't counter them.

He's confused by my opinion that he's wrong though, replying "what" so that he doesn't have to say he disagrees with an opinion.

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You did that in post 128, you part quoted a conversation in which two unrelated questions had been asked and two unrelated answer given. This lead to you making a false claim based on your error.

When I partial quote, I only do so if doesn't alter the context, hence the '...' before or after the partial quote. It's a way of highlighting the relevant parts when the rest of a large post is not required. There were no false claims, I'll quote your posts in full, it's still the same comparison...

If someone is expressing an opinion based on their own personal experience, how can it be corrected? Saying its rubbish or not true won't change the fact that they experienced it so know it to be true.

Its true in their opinion, I am obviously not duty bound to share their opinion, but I would try to turn them into satisfied customer.

...see? It makes no difference, the comparison is the same.


Its your mix up not mine.

No, really, you went from saying that in one example somebody knew it was true and in the next example it was only their opinion it was true. How come? At which point do the rules change?

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Fine. However the likely consensus is that it must be true. Of course it may not be.


When it comes to popular beliefs or opinion, without further details or data there is no 'likely'.

They may be true/correct or they may not be true/correct. Quite often such popular trends/opinions/beliefs etc are simply a result of herd/mob mentality.


Have a look back in history at the Salem witch hunting mobs or the Ku Klux Klan. Even today in some countries, innocent people are executed because of irrational mob mentality.

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When it comes to popular beliefs or opinion, without further details or data there is no 'likely'.

They may be true/correct or they may not be true/correct. Quite often such popular trends/opinions/beliefs etc are simply a result of herd/mob mentality.


Have a look back in history at the Salem witch hunting mobs or the Ku Klux Klan. Even today in some countries, innocent people are executed because of irrational mob mentality.


e.g. enough people say the same thing on SF. The likely consensus is that its true. It may not be true however. One person saying it, doesnt hold same weight.


What you are describing is mob rule or mob politics. Like when an incident occurs e.g London riots, and everyone joins in whether right or wrong.

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