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Egotistical Google Experts

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I'm not so sure they are google experts but more likely Facebook experts. You know, the ones who have thousands of friends that they have never met but because they are Facebook friend they speak the truth.

Yea that's true enough, I'm sadly speaking from experience though with my own resident google experts in my 9-5.

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Why is it wrong to go and learn about a subject before expressing an opinion? Better than just being totally wrong isn't it?


I like to hear opinions from people who believe in, experienced or know about the topic rather than what they read from the first few google results.


Of course google would be right, but it would be a very cookie cutter world if everyones input was what wikipedia said.

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Reading about the topic is better than knowing nothing... First hand experience may or may not be better. If you're discussing politics then 1st hand experience is unlikely to help.

Lots of the topics on the forum are fundamentally factual. Statistics, budgets, points of law. It's better to look these things up than guess.

And the rest are typically subjective and there is no 'right' answer to look up.


What is 1st hand experience really better for? Recommendations for a builder maybe. Journey time to Manchester in the morning traffic (although I bet google is pretty accurate as well). Which pub serves nice beer or restaurant serves nice food, although trip advisor reviews are effectively 1st hand experience from people...


Not wanting people to look something up is sort of celebrating ignorance, it's like the smart kids at school being called swats because they actually learn.

Edited by Cyclone
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Reading about the topic is better than knowing nothing... First hand experience may or may not be better. If you're discussing politics then 1st hand experience is unlikely to help.

Lots of the topics on the forum are fundamentally factual. Statistics, budgets, points of law.It's better to look these things up than guess.

And the rest are typically subjective and there is no 'right' answer to look up.


What is 1st hand experience really better for? Recommendations for a builder maybe. Journey time to Manchester in the morning traffic (although I bet google is pretty accurate as well). Which pub serves nice beer or restaurant serves nice food, although trip advisor reviews are effectively 1st hand experience from people...


Not wanting people to look something up is sort of celebrating ignorance, it's like the smart kids at school being called swats because they actually learn.


I'm answering from my own thinking of course, but if I engage in conversation with people I don't appreciate their input from the google search they do, I'm smart enough to have googled the results for myself, it's all too copy paste.


In person of course you can see when they go a scruffy away for the gogole answer and present it as their own worldly experience, on forums it is common practice for posters to present the same info as there own arm chair expert knowledge.

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Of course google would be right, but it would be a very cookie cutter world if everyones input was what wikipedia said.


Nothing wrong with wikipedia, it has facts on the left and right of politics, both are informative.

Iceland let their banks go bust, does that mean it was right for other countries? At the time, Gordon Brown was God like, the world followed what he did. But some now look back in hindsight, and give a different recollection of the facts.

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I'm answering from my own thinking of course, but if I engage in conversation with people I don't appreciate their input from the google search they do, I'm smart enough to have googled the results for myself, it's all too copy paste.


In person of course you can see when they go a scruffy away for the gogole answer and present it as their own worldly experience, on forums it is common practice for posters to present the same info as there own arm chair expert knowledge.


Two subjects at the top of General Discussions are Ebola and Fracking, both have been on the news so you can discus what you heard on the news but very few people could discus them based on their own experience, so to get more engaged in the discussion some reading is necessary and where else would you get information from other than the internet.

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I'm answering from my own thinking of course, but if I engage in conversation with people I don't appreciate their input from the google search they do, I'm smart enough to have googled the results for myself, it's all too copy paste.


In person of course you can see when they go a scruffy away for the gogole answer and present it as their own worldly experience, on forums it is common practice for posters to present the same info as there own arm chair expert knowledge.


I'm perfectly happy to make it clear that I've googled something. In my opinion it's stronger evidence if you can provide a link, rather than just pretending that you knew.

Often I know it, and google it to prove it anyway of course.

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