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Egotistical Google Experts

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So what? Its the internet, we're all a bunch of chumps talking crap. None of it matters, nothing of any consequence happens. People don't come here to set about achieving Nobel prizes. Why take it so seriously? Its just tarting about on a forum?


Perhaps some people on here have more self esteem than that and perhaps they might actually like to make a serious point.


But since were are all just chumps talking crap, why don't you go cram a banana up your backside, as potassium is a good brain food, theres a good chap.

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So what? Its the internet, we're all a bunch of chumps talking crap. None of it matters, nothing of any consequence happens. People don't come here to set about achieving Nobel prizes. Why take it so seriously? Its just tarting about on a forum?


But the facts will come out in the end ;)

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But the facts will come out in the end ;)


Perhaps some people on here have more self esteem than that and perhaps they might actually like to make a serious point.


But since were are all just chumps talking crap, why don't you go cram a banana up your backside, as potassium is a good brain food, theres a good chap.


Maybe you need a better self image.


If you come on here to discuss something, and you get corrected and the point is proven, you've learnt something. Celebrate it, instead of calling for evidence to be banned in the name of "fun".

Tell me how good it feels when you think that you've won?
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Totally! Knowledge is king.


Same goes for on here. I've learnt a lot over the last couple of years.

Alcopedia is the search engine to cut and paste/learn from to my way of thinking.

I presume this is what you allude to when you state how your knowledge has improved?

By the way, according to Alcopedia, 'your love is king' ... not, as you mistakenly cite, 'knowledge'. (citation required).

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Totally! Knowledge is king.


Same goes for on here. I've learnt a lot over the last couple of years.


Me too, I've also had my opinion changed on several matters and like to think it's made me a better person. For a while I was stubborn enough to stand by (relatively baseless) opinions about certain matters before I paid more attention to reason, evidence and facts.


I'd rather somebody link me an example they found on Google that corrects me about something, than continue to be wrong about it.

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If someone is expressing an opinion based on their own personal experience, how can it be corrected? Saying its rubbish or not true won't change the fact that they experienced it so know it to be true.

A: I've got a horrible cold. My nose is really runny :( .

B: Poor you. Here, take this daffodil, stick it up your arse and leave it there for 24 hours. My naturopath says that it totally works for curing runny noses.

A: *goes away and shoves daffodil up arse*


Twenty-four hours later...


A: OMG my nose has stopped running! That daffodil up the arse trick totally worked!

B: inorite? :D My naturopath is a genius!

C: You know, the vast majority of cold symptoms disappear on their own after a day or so. The daffodil didn't cure the cold; it was just a coincidence.

A and B: The daffodil did it! How dare you question my personal experience with your book learning?! We'll have none of your elitist big pharma rubbish here.

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If someone is expressing an opinion based on their own personal experience, how can it be corrected? Saying its rubbish or not true won't change the fact that they experienced it so know it to be true.


The experience is one thing, what people conclude from their experience and how they perceived it, the beliefs they form about the how and why of the experience, is another thing altogether, as Hecate has shown above.

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