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81yr old Rotherham man attacked

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Forgive me,"snipped"


No problem.


---------- Post added 23-08-2015 at 17:42 ----------


Why people arguing about a subject we should be united on. The condemnation of the scum within our society


Very true.


---------- Post added 23-08-2015 at 17:45 ----------


Who's arguing about whether or not this attack or others like it deserve condemnation?


I think you're seeing things that aren't there.


Can i ask you not to go on about something so trivial and meaningless. Youve had your say, ive responded and so has Denlin so rather than risk a full blown row and a clean up from a mod who probably has better things to do, can we just leave it there? Anyone who reads our exchange is free to make up their own minds. Do you agree?

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What do you call this then? Think you ought to consider the poor mans family might be reading some of this drivel


I was challenging the broad generalisations about our society being made by Mr Fisk and Timeh as a result of these attacks, I haven't said a thing about the attacks themselves, let alone anything that I think would be offensive to the families involved.


You started with 'why argue about a subject that we are united on?'


I think we are all united in saying that these people should have the book thrown at them and that it is an abhorrent attack.


However we aren't united in the conclusions to be drawn about wider society from it.


---------- Post added 23-08-2015 at 18:12 ----------


Can i ask you not to go on about something so trivial and meaningless. Youve had your say, ive responded and so has Denlin so rather than risk a full blown row and a clean up from a mod who probably has better things to do, can we just leave it there? Anyone who reads our exchange is free to make up their own minds. Do you agree?


Can you see me from all the way up there on that horse?


I'm merely pointing out that your generalisation about how society's gone down the tube is not accurate, and that this is the least violent time to be alive in human history.

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I was challenging the broad generalisations about our society being made by Mr Fisk and Timeh as a result of these attacks, I haven't said a thing about the attacks themselves, let alone anything that I think would be offensive to the families involved.


---------- Post added 23-08-2015 at 18:12 ----------



Can you see me from all the way up there on that horse?



Ah well, at least i tried.

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Ah well, at least i tried.


Tried to silence me with shame, yeah you did, and you failed.


Also I'm not too happy with your editing of my quotes to change the context of what I said in the previous post, but I'm not the type to report people. Just thought I'd highlight another example of dishonesty.

Edited by flamingjimmy
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No mate, with reason. I think me and you are done :)


We really don't have to be, the discussion can continue, I've been civil enough with you. Here's a recap of where we actually are before you started trying to dodge.


You agreed with Mr Fisk when he said that


"[attacks like this] seems to be the norm for some- gang up and some sick idiot may even record.


We live in a different society now and I cannot see it improving."


by saying "Youre probably bang on though, I cant see things improving much either."


What I can tell you is that things are improving, violent crime levels are dropping, this isn't a subjective opinion.


If you don't want to respond to this then fine, but that's just intellectual cowardice.


Or is this thread just supposed to be a list of everyone going 'it's bloody horrible that, they should be strung up' with no discussion at all?

Edited by flamingjimmy
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It's been on the TV news repeatedly, so obviously newsworthy.


Two men were arrested and charged.


Dispense with truth it is not dramatic enough.

Throw insults as often as possible.

Ignore the law of the land that tries to ensure a fair trial for everyone charged with a crime.


It seems to me that some people will try to make political capital out of anything, the more miserable it is for the families the better.

Shame on those who do this.

Would you rather we go back 2000 years or emigrate to Afghanistan where accusations, rumour, and religious fervour result in regular deaths of innocents.


Requiem in Pacem.

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You and Mr Fisk were talking about our society though, don't move the goalposts.


I was- that's all i can say on my part.


Though agree violent crime over a 10 year period is lower now (when compared to then), however across the regions (UK) attacks/rapes have increased so I was mainly pointing to this (e.g. last year v YTD).


That information in general can be found on the net.


One link is below.


Recorded 'violence against the person' sees a spike while the number of rapes rises 31 per cent year-on-year to new record high, official figures from the Office for National Statistics show



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