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QE for the people?

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Looking at what has happened is forecasting?


Forecasting the budget deficit, Ben Broadbent, External Member of the Monetary Policy Committee, Bank of England in 1989; that year’s “Red Book” predicted that, three years later (in 1992-93), the government would be running a small financial surplus. What they got, as things turned out, was the (then) largest peacetime deficit on record.

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It's all making money for the economy which ultimately makes everybody better off.


But does it make everybody better off?


Most of the money that is paid to investors in dividends is used as savings and not spent. Saving and accumulating money does not help the economy much, only spending it does.


The pound collapsed because of the ERM. Don't be overly cross with speculators who saw it coming. It's not like nobody told the government that it was going to happen.


The question is, should speculators be allowed to do this? When an individual speculator can effectively help undermine a country then something is wrong with the system.


Amazon and particularly Apple employ an awful lot of people.

What is it you think they spend invested money on if not growing their businesses?


Amazon and Apple do employ an awful lot of people but to maximise their profits the people employed a generally on low pay despite huge profits. Amazon try to avoid tax that they should really pay and Apple outsource most of their production to overseas companies especially China. There has been plenty of reports criticizing Apple of bad pay and conditions on Apples production line.


There is a difference between profit made and profit invested. The profit made is eaten into by the return to investors with share dividends. What is left is then invested to grow the business.


What reforms do you suggest?


When a company on the stock market gets to be as successful as Apple or even Facebook with a turnover of billions then they should be removed. Investment in them especially for the likes Facebook is no longer needed as they are already have enough to invest.


A limit should be put on the amount of personal wealth an individual person can hold. After that any extra should be used for the common good.


I'm not against wealth but find it a bit obscene that an individual can amass a personal fortune of billions and do nothing much with it except speculate to get more.

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Yes thanks. So you can agree that your post in #49 is completely irrelevant, which begs the question why you made it, but I don't want to tax your intellect too much for now.


I thought that this thread was about QE, and what the effects of it will be?

Edited by El Cid
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It's low because recessions tend to be deflationary.


It's doing exactly what it's intended to. nothing is wrong.


We pay the QE back when it's convenient to do so - ie when inflation rises. Have you not been following above?


More so than some posters on here know thats for sure....


So does that mean that the cost of QE is added to the debt?

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