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What if Labour had not won?

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It's not had that growth rate for a couple of years.


IIRC last year was 7.5% and this year it's a bit lower, 7% or thereabouts.

It's been the main policy of the Chinese president to reduce growth to sustainable levels ever since he came to power in 2013.


They had been rocking along at double digit growth for ages and it simply wasn't sustainable in the long run.


However the financial papers are up in arms about it, China has for a long time been such a 'sure thing'.

The state stood behind its companies and picked them all up if they fell over.

As an investor you'd just chuck money into this massive hole and tons more comes out, you couldn't loose.


All of a sudden the Chinese are putting the breaks on, and for the first time they are refusing to bailout state companies that get themselves into trouble.


it could be hovering arounf 7, I'd not looked at it. By all accounts China is a problem.


---------- Post added 18-08-2015 at 12:36 ----------


That's nice. It's still not true. Public spending has not been cut.



I think you should contact wikipedia then.;)

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this is also why I don't want trident and foreign wars...not some hippy-dippy lefty reason. Stuff like that sets the country back.


Labour just cost us about £1000 billion. You can't make that back by cutting a few 10s of billions especially if you don't have costed alternatives.


---------- Post added 18-08-2015 at 12:37 ----------



I think you should contact wikipedia then.;)


Wikipedia is useful. It's hardly definitive. If the information is in doubt, go find it from primary sources.

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I can't see what the Torys would have done drastically differently to be honest, they were a pretty crap party back then, things would have roughly been the same as there wasn't the will to bother with change.


To be honest I think we needed the 2008 financial crisis, and the MP expenses scandal to give our politicians a good kick up the arse and remind them who they do work for.


They'd all got massively complacent, they'd all taken their eye off the ball and spent far too much time feathering their own nest.


The previous two elections have been just what this country needed, Labour took an absolute pasting and lost important safe seats, it's shown the political establishment that there is a cost of failure.

The Lib Dems lost their ass in Scotland and it's shown that there are places outside of the M25 worth bothering about.


I'm not convinced that politicians have "learnt their lesson" at all. Certainly not in Labour's case, which is a good part of the reason why Jeremy Corbyn of all people has become frontrunner in the Labour leadership contest riding a wave of disenchantment with Blairite politics.

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Labour just cost us about £1000 billion. You can't make that back by cutting a few 10s of billions especially if you don't have costed alternatives.


---------- Post added 18-08-2015 at 12:37 ----------



Wikipedia is useful. It's hardly definitive. If the information is in doubt, go find it from primary sources.


the standard of living rose under Labour, I think plenty are happy with that. So they spent a bit, they still didnt know global meltdown was round the corner.


Hopefully future govts learn the lessons.

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I'm not convinced that politicians have "learnt their lesson" at all. Certainly not in Labour's case, which is a good part of the reason why Jeremy Corbyn of all people has become frontrunner in the Labour leadership contest riding a wave of disenchantment with Blairite politics.


That's fair enough.

Until this nonsense stealth tax he's calling 'peoples QE' I would have said he was a straight player arguing for what he believes in. He's wrong, but he means well.

New Labour was always divided into the Blair camp and the Brown camp. It's the Brown camp which did all the damage.

They could do a lot worse than say sorry to the other Milliband for not making him leader even though the party voted for him and beg him to come back.

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the standard of living rose under Labour, I think plenty are happy with that. So they spent a bit, they still didnt know global meltdown was round the corner.


Hopefully future govts learn the lessons.


Sure the standard of living rose under Labour. Anybody can max out their credit card and do up their house. Trouble is that now the bailiffs have come to take it all back.


---------- Post added 18-08-2015 at 12:43 ----------


lots of resources say the same thing to be fair.


I've already provides you with the actual factual spending record of the last parliament and the plans for this one on the other thread. It's a bit disingenuous to pretend you haven't seen the figures.

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That's fair enough.

Until this nonsense stealth tax he's calling 'peoples QE' I would have said he was a straight player arguing for what he believes in. He's wrong, but he means well.

New Labour was always divided into the Blair camp and the Brown camp. It's the Brown camp which did all the damage.

They could do a lot worse than say sorry to the other Milliband for not making him leader even though the party voted for him and beg him to come back.


The other Milliband has just backed Liz Kendall.

We'd be in a worse position now. Conservative-lite.


Corbyn represents the growing view that politics needs reform.


---------- Post added 18-08-2015 at 12:46 ----------


I've already provides you with the actual factual spending record of the last parliament and the plans for this one on the other thread. It's a bit disingenuous to pretend you haven't seen the figures.


I saw 'some' figures from some source, yes.


TBH I've seen a lot of contradictory figures from various places.

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The other Milliband has just backed Liz Kendall.

We'd be in a worse position now. Conservative-lite.


Corbyn represents the growing view that politics needs reform.


There must be an option for Labour other than choosing between the catastrophic failed policies of the 00's and the catastrophic failed policies of the '70s. Surely.

I would like to have to make a decision on who to vote for at the next election.

A credible opposition is important to a democracy. If Labour don't step up with something that's not daft as hell, UKIP will end up taking their role.

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the national debt is also increasing.


---------- Post added 18-08-2015 at 12:49 ----------


There must be an option for Labour other than choosing between the catastrophic failed policies of the 00's and the catastrophic failed policies of the '70s. Surely.

I would like to have to make a decision on who to vote for at the next election.

A credible opposition is important to a democracy. If Labour don't step up with something that's not daft as hell, UKIP will end up taking their role.


the options appear to be two blairites and a socialist. And a conservative-lite outsider.


---------- Post added 18-08-2015 at 12:50 ----------


although it looks like burnham and corbyn have formed a pact. It wouldnt surprise me if kendall and cooper pulled out and burnham mopped up the second votes and won the leadership.

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