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What if Labour had not won?

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the countries been run on debt for years.

why should the poor bare the burden of a crisis which occured through bankers neglect.


That's not an alternative plan. It's a statement of opinion and anyway it's wrong.


I thought you said you knew of an alternative plan to get the public finances back on track. I'm all ears.


---------- Post added 18-08-2015 at 15:14 ----------


only you think so.


The suggestion that something has been reduced even though it has risen and what's more risen after inflation is an obvious and blatant lie. Anybody who looks at the figures cannot help but reach that conclusion. Some may pretend otherwise because it serves their purposes.

You obviously wouldn't want public spending corrected for inflation to go down during a recession, which is what you'd get if you fixed it as a fraction of GDP. Or would you?

Are you proposing that it should be a constantly increasing fraction of GDP? If so, what happens when it hits 100%?

Edited by unbeliever
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That's not an alternative plan. It's a statement of opinion and anyway it's wrong.


I thought you said you knew of an alternative plan to get the public finances back on track. I'm all ears.



for a start you just said cuts are fake - so are you conceding its real?


debt levels are right if you check the national debt figures from the 1800's to present day.


The alternatives are cut slower, dont cut at all, cut really fast.


the alternatives are tax the super rich more.


there are lots of ways to stimulate revenue and different ways to make cuts.

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for a start you just said cuts are fake - so are you conceding its real?



I've conceded nothing of the sort. Public spending has gone up.


debt levels are right if you check the national debt figures from the 1800's to present day.


What on earth does that mean?


The alternatives are cut slower, dont cut at all, cut really fast.


Which do you support and what would be the target date for eliminating the deficit?


the alternatives are tax the super rich more.

We've tried that and tax revenue goes down. The super-rich leave. They've been leaving France in droves to avoid exactly that.


there are lots of ways to stimulate revenue and different ways to make cuts.


Like what?

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I've conceded nothing of the sort. Public spending has gone up.




What on earth does that mean?




Which do you support and what would be the target date for eliminating the deficit?



We've tried that and tax revenue goes down. The super-rich leave. They've been leaving France in droves to avoid exactly that.




Like what?


if you cant admit the spending cuts are real then its pointless producing a counter argument. :gag:

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if you cant admit the spending cuts are real then its pointless producing a counter argument. :gag:


So you don't have one. Thought not. Just waffle really wasn't it.


£673billion in 2010

£760billion in 2015


That's an increase of 13%. Compound CPI inflation for that period was 12%.


Demanding that I admit a lie is the truth is ridiculous.

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£673billion in 2010

£760billion in 2015


That's an increase of 13%. Compound CPI inflation for that period was 12%.


Where do your figures come from?










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Where do your figures come from?












Your document would surely contain plans, not what actually happened.


---------- Post added 18-08-2015 at 17:17 ----------


i don't think the wider electorate are taken in by this attempt at smoke and mirrors. there have been 12 opinion polls since the election with the tories averaging 9.2% lead over labour.


Hooray. Another "cuts denier". i.e. somebody who can count.

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