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Fake benefit claimants in dwp literature

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Of course you've never, ever been late for anything in your entire life, have you? We can all look up to you and aspire to your perfection. :suspect:


Did I say or suggest that anywhere?


I did though say that I set off earlier for important things. And if a meeting ensures that you get to eat for the next 2 weeks, I'd set off with lots and lots of time to spare.


You're desperately trying to make excuses for people who can't manage to be on time to the one meeting they have every fortnight and which guarantees that they get to eat. Out of 1000 people who are late to these meetings, how many do you think have got a good reason?


---------- Post added 21-08-2015 at 11:36 ----------


Two points here for you to consider.


One: I would never be late for an appointment at the DWP and therefore would never be sanctioned!


Two: I can't tell talk from mutter so the rest of your inane wittering is lost on me.


Helpful note: Perhaps it's time for you to put the spade down and stop digging.


Yeah, one of us is definitely in a hole. But it's not me that's had to resort to ad hominem attacks is it.

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Of course you've never, ever been late for anything in your entire life, have you? We can all look up to you and aspire to your perfection. :suspect:


Now pete, he only gave some sensible suggestions as I did. you appear to be taking this personally. I dont think your situ is uncommon.

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Did I say or suggest that anywhere?


I did though say that I set off earlier for important things. And if a meeting ensures that you get to eat for the next 2 weeks, I'd set off with lots and lots of time to spare.


You're desperately trying to make excuses for people who can't manage to be on time to the one meeting they have every fortnight and which guarantees that they get to eat. Out of 1000 people who are late to these meetings, how many do you think have got a good reason?


---------- Post added 21-08-2015 at 11:36 ----------



Yeah, one of us is definitely in a hole. But it's not me that's had to resort to ad hominem attacks is it.


Re my bold.


If you post stupid remarks on a public forum then expect someone to attack those remarks. If you don't want to look stupid follow the advice!

I don't know you from Adam...never met you. What I said was directed at the content of your contributions not you personally.

If you have chosen to identify with what I said that is your problem not mine!


You have taken a stance that is impossible to defend! ACCEPT IT!


It does not matter how early you set off for an appointment if unforeseen events make you late through no fault of your own.

My two year old great grandchild could grasp that concept and yet here you are arguing the toss!

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Its your obligation and duty to turn up on time and do whats required to get their benefits. Or do the unemployed / disabled have no responsibility?

The disabled which I'm one are just as responsible as anyone else in this life. But life sometimes doesn't work out like a fairy tale that is the DWP world. What do I know about responsibility well I was a soldier for ten years then after discharged worked in many places before having a work accident . As for these crazy sanctions which are freely given out to all and sundry the rules are there to be bent especially to save to money.

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Re my bold.


If you post stupid remarks on a public forum then expect someone to attack those remarks. If you don't want to look stupid follow the advice!

I don't know you from Adam...never met you. What I said was directed at the content of your contributions not you personally.

If you have chosen to identify with what I said that is your problem not mine!


You have taken a stance that is impossible to defend! ACCEPT IT!


It does not matter how early you set off for an appointment if unforeseen events make you late through no fault of your own.

My two year old great grandchild could grasp that concept and yet here you are arguing the toss!


Feel free to attack my remarks. That wasn't what you did though.


You feel unable to give an example of an unforeseen event.

And you refuse to accept that the vast majority of claimants who are late, are late due to entirely foreseeable events.

Why is it you don't want to admit that?


Perhaps if you go back and look at my stance, it was that being late is generally down to the claimants fault, and so it's entirely reasonable to sanction them for that.

You're stance on the other hand is to pretend that unforeseen circumstances happen all the time and so sanctions for being late are not reasonable. Clearly this is nonsense.


---------- Post added 22-08-2015 at 14:04 ----------


One: I would never be late for an appointment at the DWP and therefore would never be sanctioned!


I'm fascinated by this claim though.


You couldn't make it up. You keep claiming that people are late due to unforeseen circumstance, but you imagine yourself to be immune from such things, and able to NEVER be late.


So if you can manage it, why don't you think anyone else can?

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Feel free to attack my remarks. That wasn't what you did though.


You feel unable to give an example of an unforeseen event.

And you refuse to accept that the vast majority of claimants who are late, are late due to entirely foreseeable events.

Why is it you don't want to admit that?


Perhaps if you go back and look at my stance, it was that being late is generally down to the claimants fault, and so it's entirely reasonable to sanction them for that.

You're stance on the other hand is to pretend that unforeseen circumstances happen all the time and so sanctions for being late are not reasonable. Clearly this is nonsense.


---------- Post added 22-08-2015 at 14:04 ----------



I'm fascinated by this claim though.


You couldn't make it up. You keep claiming that people are late due to unforeseen circumstance, but you imagine yourself to be immune from such things, and able to NEVER be late.


So if you can manage it, why don't you think anyone else can?


Re my first bold.


Clutching at straws like a man with no real argument! I never claimed that! If you can prove me wrong I'll take you out and get you drunk at my expense!


Re my second bold.


It's just like shooting fish in a barrel. I threw you the bait and you gobbled it up!

This is how I do it...paying attention?...I'm 70 years old next year. I do not come within a country mile of a DWP office!


That is an example of a circumstance entirely unforeseen by your good self!

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Did I say or suggest that anywhere?


I did though say that I set off earlier for important things. And if a meeting ensures that you get to eat for the next 2 weeks, I'd set off with lots and lots of time to spare.


You're desperately trying to make excuses for people who can't manage to be on time to the one meeting they have every fortnight and which guarantees that they get to eat. Out of 1000 people who are late to these meetings, how many do you think have got a good reason?


---------- Post added 21-08-2015 at 11:36 ----------



Yeah, one of us is definitely in a hole. But it's not me that's had to resort to ad hominem attacks is it.


Actually 'yes' you implied you are never late for 'important' meetings. Funnily enough, I 'try' never to be late for important things, but there's no guarantees in life.


You keep wittering on about giving an example of an unforeseen circumstance that might cause lateness, and won't let it go. What's the point? Where do you want to go with this line of constant questioning?


Nobody 'plans' on being late. Why would you think people are purposely 'late'?


I'm not making excuses for claimants being late. I'm saying there is an agenda within the DWP to sanction at any and every opportunity, lateness being just one of a long list of them. If you can't see that, then you're either blinkered or plainly not in touch with reality.

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Did I? Go ahead and quote me on that then.


The point is that it's perfectly reasonable to sanction people for being late. If something really unusual happens then exceptions should be made, but we all know that those are the exception, not the rule.

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