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Fake benefit claimants in dwp literature

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Easy way to avoid the dwp system. Get a job. And

If you are consistently late for work you lose that job.


The government have no obligation to treat unemployed any differently to those in employment.


Am I missing something here? :huh:


How is that an answer to the experience he had of the system?

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That's quite good training for a real job then actually.


I get the impression some people really dont want to do what it takes to get out of the 'system'.


the DWP are caught between rock and hard place. not enough resources to actually help people find a job, and directives from up above to punish people who dont follow the rules. thats life.


I say again. The DWP / government do not exist to find any citizen a job. If you really want to get a job, go online, find a professional CV writer, go on job sites, ask your contacts / family. get off your arse in other words!


I've seen literally hundreds of jobs, not all well paid, but jobs non the less. Or start a business - opportunities out there for all in our free land.

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Am I missing something here? :huh:


How is that an answer to the experience he had of the system?


Because....he had to wait around for a while for an appointment, what else has he got to do? (to be frank).


thats life...if I bleated on about the hundreds of issues ive had this year with this and that it would make your head spin.


lifes not always fair is it?:loopy:

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I say again. The DWP / government do not exist to find any citizen a job. If you really want to get a job, go online, find a professional CV writer, go on job sites, ask your contacts / family. get off your arse in other words!


I've seen literally hundreds of jobs, not all well paid, but jobs non the less. Or start a business - opportunities out there for all in our free land.


I assume you have a job? It's very easy to sit on a high horse and preach to the unemployed how easy it is to get a job when there's hundreds of jobs out there.


Please don't point to the hundreds of agencies you can find on line where there's hundreds of jobs. Most that don't actually exist, and those that do are hundreds of miles away, or paying abysmal wages.


No I'm not for one moment defending the bone idle, feckless individuals who are probably unemployable anyway, and who simply 'play the system' for their own gain.


I'm defending those who 'do' actually want to work, and are made to jump through hoops and negotiate 'traps' for the sole purpose of sanctions.


---------- Post added 20-08-2015 at 11:12 ----------


Because....he had to wait around for a while for an appointment, what else has he got to do? (to be frank).


thats life...if I bleated on about the hundreds of issues ive had this year with this and that it would make your head spin.


lifes not always fair is it?:loopy:


But this thread isn't about life's little irritations. It's about a specific subject.


---------- Post added 20-08-2015 at 11:13 ----------


No, it's not a difficult concept to make up, as you demonstrated.


Don't you care about whether what you post is actually true or not?


If I've made it up...People wouldn't be sanctioned would they?


Or is today wind a mod up day?

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There's a million and one perfectly justifiable reasons why someone might be late. Everything in life isn't just black and white.

Sure, sure. You have 1 place to be, once a week or a fortnight.

But there's lots of reasons you might be late. Like not setting off on time for example. Or cutting it really close and the bus being delayed.


People doing the 'interviewing' (although, that term particularly irks me), often keep their 'clients' waiting for a lot more than 5 minutes. Sometimes up to half an hour or more.

Probably due to someone earlier turning up late.

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I assume you have a job? It's very easy to sit on a high horse and preach to the unemployed how easy it is to get a job when there's hundreds of jobs out there.


Please don't point to the hundreds of agencies you can find on line where there's hundreds of jobs. Most that don't actually exist, and those that do are hundreds of miles away, or paying abysmal wages.


No I'm not for one moment defending the bone idle, feckless individuals who are probably unemployable anyway, and who simply 'play the system' for their own gain.


I'm defending those who 'do' actually want to work, and are made to jump through hoops and negotiate 'traps' for the sole purpose of sanctions.


Ive been there in the past. Indeed what I found is sanctions are given out if you buck the system. If you turn up on time and do your obligations, nothing to worry about.


if they put as much time and effort into getting skills, education or employment than they do moaning about how everythings unfair....

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My son (who is now employed) had an experience last year when he was a claimant. I'm interested in your opinion of what happened to him.


He turned up 10 minutes early for his appointment and waited. Then he waited some more...and some more...and finally his name was called for the interview to begin. An hour had passed!

What do you think would have happened if he had been the one 50 minutes late?

He could...and would...have been job hunting during that time.


The system is designed to be punitive and is manifestly unfair.


Presumably earlier people had turned up late, or appointments had overrun.


Now he's got a job, what would happen if he turned up late everyday?


The point is that HE was on time, which is what he needed to be. It's pretty irrelevant that the staff member was delayed, they aren't the ones who are required to be there on time.

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Please don't point to the hundreds of agencies you can find on line where there's hundreds of jobs. Most that don't actually exist, and those that do are hundreds of miles away, or paying abysmal wages.




it sounds like you who is being overly negative pete.

if you keep saying this enough people will start to believe it, self forfilling prophecy.


---------- Post added 20-08-2015 at 11:21 ----------


Presumably earlier people had turned up late, or appointments had overrun.


Now he's got a job, what would happen if he turned up late everyday?


The point is that HE was on time, which is what he needed to be. It's pretty irrelevant that the staff member was delayed, they aren't the ones who are required to be there on time.


from what i gather you get 3 chances and then a sanction. theres plenty of jobs where you are late 3 times and you get a formal warning....thats life.


why should unemployed people be treated differently to employed?

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