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Fake benefit claimants in dwp literature

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What exactly have I made up?...


Here's a little snippet for you to chew on, and dissect as being lies.




They also frequently change the times, and rooms you have to attend. Not for any particular reason that I can figure out, apart from simply confusing people, who 'maybe' aren't too sharp, and even those who are! It's all designed to give them an excuse to sanction.


There you go......

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As I said earlier, It's very easy to sit in an ivory tower and criticise the unemployed....They're an easy target...And that's just the point...


I'm not in an ivory time. working way up from a very low base. trust me. But all you're coming up with is excuses rather than solutions.

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Most of which revolve around copying existing ideas. ie..Look on ebay and see what's selling...Have you ever 'tried' selling on ebay?


All business ideas are copies or variants of existing ideas. No excuse.


Yes, I have sold on ebay in the past. Maybe you won't get rich selling off ebay but there are no promises in life. From small acorns grow!


---------- Post added 20-08-2015 at 12:58 ----------


Keep working on it...long way to go yet!


I intend to. Maybe you should give your son the same encouragement.

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No big deal or misleading the public?


I love the irony. In trying to justify sanctions, they have to resort to lying.


You couldn't make it up... er... but it seems Duncan Smith can...


The internet has prompted some great spoofs;


'Sanctions made me more adventurous about trying new food, now I'll eat anything. I regularly beg for scraps...'


'I met my future husband at a food bank. We wouldn't have met if it weren't for IDS...'


When the DWP santioned me it was such a relief. No more deciding what to cook for dinner, now I just eat what I find in bins.

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what are the reasons for sanctions? in your personal experience. genuine question.


There's all sorts of reasons for being sanctioned. Being late for one. Not filling in a form correctly. Not being readily able to provide proof of eligibility (I know all about that particular one). Not being able to provide evidence of actually applying for jobs. Although quite how you're supposed to do that, is a bit of a mystery, as employers, even if you've been for an interview mostly don't bother to even send a thanks but no thanks letter. Not keeping your 'log book' up to date...Basically anything and everything...


---------- Post added 20-08-2015 at 13:04 ----------


There you go......



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