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Channel 4 News gone to the dogs

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I'm glad that Channel 4 news is getting the recognition it deserves. However quoting the late Iain Banks, Channel 4 news is 'the sweetcorn in the turd'.

The 'turd' being programmes that demonise people on the edge of society, documentaries that don't seek to enlighten or challenge people, the establishment, or society, and programmes that sink to the lowest common denominator.


People like to see others that they are better than. Channel 4 shows the lowest of the low in all their disgusting glory, people like to watch and judge.

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I wouldn't single out Channel 4 on that one.


They might have a few tabloid epics such as benefits street and Sexbox :gag: But they do still have some fantastic documentaries, dramas and some of their entertainment shows are 10x better than ITV's output these days.


If you really want gutter TV look at Channel 5.


Benefits and .......... (x10 different formats)

Jobless and .......... (x10 different formats)

Dogs on the Dole

Celebs on the Dole

My exploding boobies on benefits (x10 similar sounding formats)

16 children and counting

Worlds funniest........

Words scariest.......

Worlds Biggest......

Worlds Most........

Worlds Worst......

Worlds most embarrassing......


On and on it goes.

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People like to see others that they are better than. Channel 4 shows the lowest of the low in all their disgusting glory, people like to watch and judge.


Not everyone does like to sneer at others they perceive as 'lower' than them, you obviously do....


I work hard and I am very intelligent and skilled, so I deserve the salary I get, which is considered high.


I wouldn't want people that are less valuable than me to earn anywhere near as much as me. The contrast is satisfying and a reward for being intelligent.


Television that you describe is a recipe for scraping the barrel, there to titillate the knuckledraggers.

Edited by Mister M
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I don't say everyone does enjoy it, some people do though. You should judge people as "knuckle draggers" just because they like different types of programs to you.


You like to out people down on this forum to make yourself feel superior, others like to watch channel 4 documentaries.


I like to look at my wage slip from my full time job.

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I don't say everyone does enjoy it, some people do though. You should judge people as "knuckle draggers" just because they like different types of programs to you.


You like to out people down on this forum to make yourself feel superior, others like to watch channel 4 documentaries.


I like to look at my wage slip from my full time job.


But you judge people on television shows you like as 'the lowest of the low', so why should I not judge those whose diet consists of this crap as 'knuckledraggers'? I don't judge everyone who watches these shows as such - my contempt is for the cynical & snidey that make these programmes. To think that a lot of these programme makers would've studied the world's most beautiful writers at University, only to make cheap & dumb T.V. for a living; I almost pity them.


---------- Post added 13-05-2016 at 23:23 ----------


I don't say everyone does enjoy it, some people do though. You should judge people as "knuckle draggers" just because they like different types of programs to you.


You like to out people down on this forum to make yourself feel superior, others like to watch channel 4 documentaries.


I like to look at my wage slip from my full time job.



Horrible, but weirdly quite fun. I have been loads and even have my very own gay card.


It smells, the alcohol is rubbish and vile homosexual lads quite often have bum sex in the toilets.


There are loads of drugs, which is good or bad dependant on your outlook.


I have spent many fun nights there.


So you like going to gay clubs which 'smell'; is peopled by 'vile homosexual lads who quite often have bum sex in the toilets'; and you gain a sense of superiority from looking at your wage slip - presumably because you think having more money means that your a better person?

If I didn't know that you were trolling, I'd think that you were the grotesque lead character in that hideous 'American Psycho' book.

Edited by Mister M
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But you judge people on television shows you like as 'the lowest of the low', so why should I not judge those whose diet consists of this crap as 'knuckledraggers'? I don't judge everyone who watches these shows as such - my contempt is for the cynical & snidey that make these programmes. To think that a lot of these programme makers would've studied the world's most beautiful writers at University, only to make cheap & dumb T.V. for a living; I almost pity them.


---------- Post added 13-05-2016 at 23:23 ----------






So you like going to gay clubs which 'smell'; is peopled by 'vile homosexual lads who quite often have bum sex in the toilets'; and you gain a sense of superiority from looking at your wage slip - presumably because you think having more money means that your a better person?

If I didn't know that you were trolling, I'd think that you were the grotesque lead character in that hideous 'American Psycho' book.


I do not like these programs myself, I said that some people do, which is evident by their popularity. Look at the success of Jeremy Kyle. I have seen this program perhaps 2 or 3 times ever, because it is on when I am at work.



I am quite flattered you are stalking me so much, fancy a night in Dempsey's with me? There is nothing wrong with going to gay clubs, you should be less judgemental.


Having more money does make me a better person, I pay my taxes to support people like you, which I am fine with by the way, I grew up in a benefits house.


So I support myself and I support others. This makes me a vastly more valuable member of society than your average net drainer from society. This may be uncomfortable to people who believe the "everyone is equal" lie, which stands up to no scrutiny whatsoever, but is ultimately true.

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they used to be good!


covering the Bangkok bombing(s) last night, they hilariously referred to Thailand as 'the land of the free' despite the fact that it is not only under a military dictatorship at the moment but has had a total of 18 coups d'etat in the past 83 years.


they also referred to the southern Thai insurgents as 'jihadis', when they are not.


is it because it is August and a lot of people are on holiday?


The word "Thai" means "free", and therefore "Thailand" means "Land of the Free."



Since the confrontation blew up in 2004, more than 6,000 people have died, both Muslims and Buddhists, and more than 10,000 have been injured. There are concerns that the insurgency, formerly an ethnic struggle for more autonomy, has been taken over by hardline Jihadis who have declared war on both the Buddhist minority and local Malay Muslim moderates.

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I used to like C4 news but it's reporting is far from as politically impartial as it used to be. It is now comes across as the Corbyn of the news world.


But it does balance up the Bias of the BBC, they have been exposing the Tory election fraud, whereas Aunty Beeb dosnt even want to know about it


---------- Post added 14-05-2016 at 07:56 ----------


I do not like these programs myself, I said that some people do, which is evident by their popularity. Look at the success of Jeremy Kyle. I have seen this program perhaps 2 or 3 times ever, because it is on when I am at work.



I am quite flattered you are stalking me so much, fancy a night in Dempsey's with me? There is nothing wrong with going to gay clubs, you should be less judgemental.


Having more money does make me a better person, I pay my taxes to support people like you, which I am fine with by the way, I grew up in a benefits house.


So I support myself and I support others. This makes me a vastly more valuable member of society than your average net drainer from society. This may be uncomfortable to people who believe the "everyone is equal" lie, which stands up to no scrutiny whatsoever, but is ultimately true.

Staggering....that is such a shallow statement

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The word "Thai" means "free", and therefore "Thailand" means "Land of the Free."



Since the confrontation blew up in 2004, more than 6,000 people have died, both Muslims and Buddhists, and more than 10,000 have been injured. There are concerns that the insurgency, formerly an ethnic struggle for more autonomy, has been taken over by hardline Jihadis[/i] who have declared war on both the Buddhist minority and local Malay Muslim moderates.


they can think what they will but the fact is Thailand is not free at all. It has been a military dictatorship for the big majority of the past 80 odd years. Before then it was an absolute monarchy.


do you know what year that slavery was abolished, or made illegal, in Thailand?


1905. Yes. 1905. (that's year 2448 in the Thai calendar).


as for the insurgency and jihadis and your link, that is all they are. Concerns.


the simple fact is that the Thai insurgency only happens in the three provinces of southern Thailand where there is a Malay ethnic majority.


other parts of southern Thailand have a MUSLIM majority but they don't have an ethnic Malay majority. And guess what. Even though Muslims outnumber Buddhists in those parts of Thailand, there is so insurgency in those places.


it's primarily ETHNIC/TRIBAL. Not religous.


yes there have been concerns by some, that the modernist 'new kids on the block' Islamists a la JI have been getting involved in the Thai insurgency, however it is nowhere near as concerning as the modernist jihadis getting involved in the Philippines insurgency is. Although the centuries-old and ongoing Philippines insurgency, which sprung into action again on a higher level in the late 1960s (well before the advent of modernist Islamist-type terrorism), is also primarily tribal and not religous.


calling the southern Thai insurgency a 'jihadi' one, as if it was like ISIS or something, like Channel 4 news did last August, is just getting it wrong.

Edited by blake
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