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Channel 4 News gone to the dogs

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I used to like C4 news but it's reporting is far from as politically impartial as it used to be. It is now comes across as the Corbyn of the news world.
It might have been that interview showing Jeremy Corbyn losing his temper with the presenter Krishnan Guru-Murphy that impressed them.



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It might have been that interview showing Jeremy Corbyn losing his temper with the presenter Krishnan Guru-Murphy that impressed them.




It was quite funny watching him get mad but Corbyn had a point... the whole 'friendsgate' things is an attempt to discredit him tabloid gutter style.

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Channel 4 news is OK but it could do without the massive egotist Krishnan Guru-Murthy.


The BBC news is dire. There is little attempt to explain anything, just generalisation. I suppose it is what it always has been, a megaphone for those who run things. If eighty years ago the establishment believed in the Empire, the BBC would trumpet the values of Empire. Now it is the mouthpiece of a the political status quo which believes in globalism, mass immigration and the EU.

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I can just about remember the early days of Channel 4. It was all a bit ramshackle and tinpot at first. It definitely took them a while to find their feet. But the news straight away stood out as being like a cut above the rest of the channel and more professional.

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  • 8 months later...

I'm glad that Channel 4 news is getting the recognition it deserves. However quoting the late Iain Banks, Channel 4 news is 'the sweetcorn in the turd'.

The 'turd' being programmes that demonise people on the edge of society, documentaries that don't seek to enlighten or challenge people, the establishment, or society, and programmes that sink to the lowest common denominator.

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