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Woman fined nearly £300 for stealing three bottles of baby milk

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When I had my children (not all that long ago!) you got vouchers for baby milk if you were on a low income, is that not the case anymore?


I would have thought if you couldn't express enough breast milk then it's a medical issue, and you should be prescribed sufficient formula on the NHS for the baby.

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I would have thought if you couldn't express enough breast milk then it's a medical issue, and you should be prescribed sufficient formula on the NHS for the baby.


Not everyone makes the choice to breastfeed these days!


I think the judge was correct and the fine is a reasonable amount to be paid back.


Yes he was probably stealing because he couldn't afford to pay for it, no a child shouldn't go hungry EVER! but, there are plenty of options for struggling parents without having to resort to stealing.


The judge will have taken the man's finances into consideration and this fine which has been given will probably be paid back at something ridiculous like 5p a week! The fine itself is a deterrent, the amount he pays back per week won't take food from the babies mouth!

Edited by Chelle-82
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This raises some quite interesting questions, apart from the obvious; the Court had to impose the fines because the previous Justice Secretary, Christopher Grayling, said that 'Courts must be self financing'.

Courts should be able to vary fines and offer leeway, where in cases like this one, the person charged stole the baby milk as they were too poor to afford it.


Pity she werent a banker, she could have robbed billions and got no fine at all. In fact she may have even got a bonus.

Its sick!

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Not everyone makes the choice to breastfeed these days!


I'm! well! aware! of! that!


But for those that wish to, being as it's best for the baby and who cannot, then providing formula for free seems reasonable. It doesn't stop people who choose not to breastfeed and go any buy formula does it..

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What's a farrari? Did you mean Ferrari?


Do you not think the welfare state is a good thing? Should we let children go hungry if their parents are poor?


the welfare state is rather seperate from the justice system or are you too stupid to think the poor can commit a crime?


---------- Post added 19-08-2015 at 17:39 ----------


I'm conflicted on this. Can't view this thread without hearing that stupid little girl on the trailer for that Anne Robinson programme on spending habits asking 'why shouldn't I have the nicer things in life, just cos I'm on benefits?'. Err.... because you're on benefits? You want nice things, go get a job you idle cow! Don't go nicking em!


But you don't want baby milk, you need baby milk... so yeah that's different. I'd be inclined to be more leniant. After all, as has already been said, if they can't afford baby milk they can't afford to pay the fine.


perhaps they can't afford baby milk because they but too many fags.

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