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Money saving advice - help needed

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My advice would be to acquire a slow cooker, which will make all sorts of casseroles and soups from really cheap cuts of meat and pulses go a very long way and taste wonderful (with very little running cost).


For drinks, snacks, dried goods and things like salad dressings which work out really expensive normally, I'd also recommend regularly checking what is in stock at Approved Food:




Approved Food sell overruns, old packaging and items which are short dated or past their best before date (best before date, not use by date). The minimum order is £17.50 but if you're in Sheffield you can choose to collect from them if you can get to near the Parkway markets during business hours, which saves the delivery charge.


I've gradually stockpiled a year's worth of coffee which will save me 50% on the normal price we'd pay, and we never pay full price for juice or things like stock cubes, salad dressing and olive oil.


Periodically they also have things like fresh nan bread at a ridiculously low cost, and if you can make your own daal (very simple, lentil based) you can feed your family for under a quid very healthily with daal and nan bread.


If you've got even a small area that you can plant then you can get loads of salad growing on an ongoing basis for about 9 months of the year for the price of a packet of seeds. Ground cress, perpetual spinach, radishes and the like will even grow in a big pot or window box.

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I'll try popping round to the local supermarket late, that sounds like a good idea. Possibly the nearest one for me is the big Tescos at Spital Hill - though I'm not good in big supermarkets. Anxiety gets the better of me. Although it's a 24 hour one, does anyone know what time they reduce their items?


I believe the tesco on spital hill reduces its items at 7pm (I could be wrong, I'm usually out by that time).


However, if you're of the anxious type, then I strongly advise you give this store a miss. There are dozens of overweight eastern europeans waiting in line for these items, and I've heard it's a bit of a scrum when the reduced-price items hit the shelves.


All the best.

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I shop at Morrisons mainly; if you get their own brand stuff instead of branded, such as cereals and butter etc, its surprising how much you get for your money.

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I think Aldi and Lidl take some beating for cost. I cut down on meat (only twice a week) by eating more vegetarian recipes, (delicious and healthier too.)


I also layer clothing in winter to keep the heating bills down.


Good luck Mister M

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Crookedspires Survival Guide. Bread , Moor Market near closing time try Turners stall can get two loaves for a pound or less if they had slack day. Buy offal instead of prime cuts or joints. Supermarkets ( I used to work in one for a time) generally reduce more towards closing time, if you buy fish or shellfish best to eat them on the same day don't normally keep very long. Poundshops sell bits of food mostly tinned items or Aldi has its own brand of washing powered it does the job so does the washing up liquid , a good cheap soap is Tesco's Everday range. I'm guessing you live alone, can you put in a water meter? , works out cheaper than paying set bills. Look for a cheaper gas or electric company I use Ebico s not for profit company I pay a set amount each week based on my usage any surplus goes towards the winter bills . Do you have a garden if so buy some vegetable and fruit seeds and plant them ( Potatos are really easy to grow) , a window box is also handy for growing smaller vegetables or even hanging baskets ( tomatoes grow quite good in them) . Seen any blackberry bushes lately? You could pick these but remember to sloak them in salt water then wash them again if got quite a few you can freeze them.

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I work part time in the front line of a large public sector organisation and may pay has been cut. As a result I will be struggling to cope / put food on the table.

With regards to this last point, I'm looking at how I can keep body & soul together on a meagre income & looking for advice from fellow forummers.


I was thinking today that there are lots of supermarkets all with different offers on. Rather than traipsing round Sheffield to each and every supermarket for the best buys, does anyone know if there is a website that gives information on how much each item costs? In that way I can visit a few supermarkets to get good deals on cheap & nutritious food.

I know that lots of supermarkets have websites that give the online price, but often these are different to the in store price.

I would be grateful for any information / advice that people may have. Genuine replies only, no sly comments please.


By the way your spelling is atrocious. You numpty.


Oh dear. Oh dear.

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There are other things that you can do too Mister M.


Review your outgoings carefully. Are you getting the best possible deal on gas, electricity, broadband, insurance, mobile phone, tv etc. If you have a mortgage, look for a better deal on that.


You could easily save £50 - 100 per month just by nailing down the best possible deals. Well worth a couple of hours of googling and comparing.

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