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Data Protection Act - GCSE results

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I have just been to my daughters school, to collect her GCSE results.


They would not give them to me, due to the Data Protection Act, I am her parent, are they daft?

I am thinking about complaining, what does this teach the children, she is 15.

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I have just been to my daughters school, to collect her GCSE results.


They would not give them to me, due to the Data Protection Act, I am her parent, are they daft?

I am thinking about complaining, what does this teach the children, she is 15.


The data isn't yours, it's your daughter's.

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I have just been to my daughters school, to collect her GCSE results.


They would not give them to me, due to the Data Protection Act, I am her parent, are they daft?

I am thinking about complaining, what does this teach the children, she is 15.


It teaches her that she is getting ready to look after her own affairs. It's always been the case that GCSE and A-level exam results were for the candidate only - when my results were due I had to call the school and get them read out as we were on holiday. The school went to some lengths to ensure that it was me calling and not someone else and that was many years ago.

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I have just been to my daughters school, to collect her GCSE results.


They would not give them to me, due to the Data Protection Act, I am her parent, are they daft?

I am thinking about complaining, what does this teach the children, she is 15.


Complain about what? Its not your data. You have no right to it without your daughters express permission just as much as you wouldn't have a right to her bank card or phone records. Its her name and her records. Being her parent does not give automatic access to all and everything. The school doesn't know you from Adam.


How about its teaching your daughter to take responsibility to get her own results. How about its teaching your daughter how data protection works.


She is grown up now. Leaving school and may now enter the working world or higher education. Mummy can't keep doing things for her then.

Edited by ECCOnoob
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What's silly about the daughter's data belonging to the daughter?


I might just send them a FOI request, fight fire with fire.


I think that she is doing well at school, I should have the proof, as her parent.

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I might just send them a FOI request, fight fire with fire.


I think that she is doing well at school, I should have the proof, as her parent.


What you think and what the law says are two different things. What makes you believe that your FOI request will override an act of parliament? If I put a FOI request to your GP to see your medical notes how far would I get?


What's wrong with your daughter collecting her results?

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