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Left wing voters prevented from supporting corbyn

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Please explain how


Corbyn wants to reopen the mines again and nationalise the coal and gas industry, which will cost billions. The coal then produced will be too expensive compared to imported coal, so the big user of coal, the power stations, won't buy it. Tax will have to go up to pay for this.


His solution is then to nationalise the entire gas and electric infrastructure, removing the choice of imported vs. domestic coal, thus creating a customer for his new nationalised coal industry. The Government will have to buy out all the existing companies running the gas and electric infrastructure of the UK, who can basically ask for any price they want. As a result taxes will rise to pay for public ownership of these industries. Gas and electric bills will rise to pay for the more expensive coal and gas we will be forced to buy. If they don't rise, it's because the taxpayer is subsidising prices to keep them at current rates.


His policies keep going, in a continuing upwards spiral of tax increases and spending. If he ever got into power, we'd be back to a Tory landslide within five years else we'll be going to the EU cap in hand like Greece.


What I do agree with though, is him bringing choice back to the electorate come the next election. Vote the centre-right Tory government, or the left wing Labour party, or the centre-left Labourites party..

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If you are a Nige man like myself all these problems with the "big" guns make great reading and indeed even better TV viewing. It's great fun, I least I realise Nige will never be PM.




I don't like Ukip but at least you are true to what you believe in. We need more of that.

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