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Crikey!, I'm 60 tomorrow - how did that happen?

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I remember my 60th. It was 18 years ago! The age that struck me first was my 40th. I had an interesting job but it didn't pay well and I suddenly realised that unless I did something about it I would be poor in my old age. I had been brought up poor so I could have managed ok but my wife expected better. I made an effort to get a better paid job in the same type of work but found that i'd have to move from my present area to get one. Then I found that if I moved house to get the job, my new mortgage would more that swallow the pay increase. In the end I did two jobs, one in the evenings and earned a bit more cash. It didn't solve the income problem though. Eventually I went freelance and earned a bomb. I retired at 63 years old. I thought I was well off and maybe I was but inflation ate into my pension and savings and now I'm not so well off again. That's life!

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For no particular reason I loved reaching 60. I had a lovely party with far flung family coming to celebrate with me. And, apart from some unpleasant health problems now, I still enjoy keeping on keeping on. I have a hobby, and love helping others get started on theirs.

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Age is mostly a case of mind over matter.

If you don't mind it doesn't matter.


"On the other hand Old Age is not for cissies"

Sorry I cannot remember who said that, must be the altzheimer's, or it wasn't as important as the message.

My favourite is my own saying. Old age is kind in suprising ways When I get up in the morning and look in the mirror I have no wrinkles, then I put on my glasses.

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Getting older - it only happens to the lucky ones!


Now I like that:D



I'm not really attracted to guys who are obsessed with how old a woman is, if he happens to be younger than me I'd say I just landed on earth before you.


I think it was Dale Winton who said 'A woman who would tell you her age would tell you anything'



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Blinking heck!!!! xx


Happy birthday!!!


---------- Post added 23-08-2015 at 11:35 ----------


I remember my 60th. It was 18 years ago! The age that struck me first was my 40th. I had an interesting job but it didn't pay well and I suddenly realised that unless I did something about it I would be poor in my old age. I had been brought up poor so I could have managed ok but my wife expected better. I made an effort to get a better paid job in the same type of work but found that i'd have to move from my present area to get one. Then I found that if I moved house to get the job, my new mortgage would more that swallow the pay increase. In the end I did two jobs, one in the evenings and earned a bit more cash. It didn't solve the income problem though. Eventually I went freelance and earned a bomb. I retired at 63 years old. I thought I was well off and maybe I was but inflation ate into my pension and savings and now I'm not so well off again. That's life!


What would you do differently if you could wind the clock back?

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