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Sulzer Bros Scandal

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Hello, can anybody hel pme with my memory please. I can recall just before being made redundant from Sulzers was the scandal over Viners Cutlery. We had made a series of mills housings and gear trains with rolls for Viners near the bottom of Bramell Lane. It was common knowledge that Viners were in trouble and rumoured to be about to close. The Viners managers said that this new mill was proof of their commitment to Sheffield and their (mostly female) workforce, so all easy. We were working to help save our fellow Sheffielders jobs.


When the day came to deliver to packing cased equipment it was arranged for a Sunday morning as were told the Police had to close the roads because of the convoy of big lorries needed to transport it would cause traffic problems. There was a bit of a kerfuffle with the joiners as the stencils used to put on the packing cases had not arrived by the Friday and they did not work weekends. so it was agreed that a manger would spray the names and destination on the packing cases over later Friday Saturday whenever the stencils came.


No weekend working that weekend and Sunday morning arrived, cases loaded on Saturday by managers as per previous agreement, lorries rolled and turned Right out of Alsing Road onto the M1 North. The delivery address stencilled by the Sulzer manger onto the crates was the; 'S.S. ??? Mauru, Port of Hull', which it latter transpired that despite the efforts of dockworkers it sailed fully loaded on the late Sunday early Monday morning tide. Thats what the police were there for, in case of protest, brand new production facility gone, went off to the Far East, everybody conned. Viners went east. Can Some one confirm that did this happen or is it a product of age?

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