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Where's the racket coming from?

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Racket, nope no racket just good tunes. The organisers must be doing a good job. They are not catering for people on here or people who are laid awake in their beds. They are ensuring the good people bouncing up and down in front of the sound system are having a good time. Every house held should have ear plugs for moments they don't wish to hear things outside their own bedrooms. Grenada woods have had many a good rave. If it's not your scene then that's fine but shouldn't wish or moan that others do like it. Once again I say ear plugs are a great invention.

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I would not be laid awake in my bed nor would I be on hear if this utter garbage had not woken me. Yes ear plugs are a great invention, as is double glazing but both are rendered pointless when the sound systems are so large that these, bouncy up and down, fantastic organising, selfish people use, that the vibrations from the base is more frustrating than the noise. Now forgive me if I'm wrong, but no Amount of ear plugs can stop vibrations through the floor!! I'm all for people having a good time and hey even enjoy a good party myself. It's just infuriating when a select few that go that one step further and become a nuisance and cause folk disruption through being inconsiderate.

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