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Where's the racket coming from?

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Why would you all want to throw litter in my garden? :huh: We're talking about a one off midsummer rave.


I think the point people are trying make if an event aimed at 200 people, decide it's ok to disturb half a city all night and day, then the balance is a way off.

I too didn't get any sleep and felt shattered as a result.


Although I didn't call 101 to complain, I appreciate those that did.


As for littering comment I'd like to imagine if 200 people pitched up once a year and fly tipped at yours, I'm sure it would register as an event in you life for awhile.

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No, I'm not missing any point but you're missing the point about life if you expect it to be sterile and played to your rules day in day out.


I was woken by the music because I live reasonably to the one of the parties. I thought "that's weird, loud party, people enjoying themselves" turned over and went back to sleep. Life rolls on. You're all upset. I'm not. Go figure. :)


I believe it's called the law, not the rules... And yes, most people expect it to be obeyed all the time. Do you not? Is it okay if I murder you just the once? Or do you want the law against murder to be obeyed all the time?

Or is it okay to you if I murder someone else, but not you?


They're not "my" rules btw, they're societies rules. That's why you're safe from murder and fly tipping in your garden.

Edited by Cyclone
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I really think people need to relax a little......


One night - that's all it was. If it was happening every weekend then yeh kick up a fuss but jeeees people no one was injured in anyway were they???


Why is it okay to keep half the city awake for one night? It's breaking the law, and it's anti social towards a large number of people... How or why should that ever be considered okay?

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Certainly seems like it's been reported over a large portion. Do you want to get a map and measure it to see what the actual proportion was?


No - i'll just chuckle along at the random numbers chucked in this thread.....


So half of Sheffield has now become 'a large portion' ??



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