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Worst sports injury?

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Had a discussion early about sports injuries... which was actually light hearted. I've had a few "injuries" worst one for me though has to be when I cut my head open when I got studded heading the ball away playing football. Blood everywhere... looked like Terry Butcher :hihi:


They didn't let me carry on though. Was the last man in defence... so at least it saved us from conceding and won the game!


What's your worst sports injury... light hearted only please... don't tell us if it was a serious one which you don't like to talk about. :)


PS... Oh once got kicked in the you know what's ... not been same since :o

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Errr, dislocated ankle playing rugby, torn calf muscle leg pressing 200kg, torn biceps during a medieval reenactment battle (the pointy side of a bill swung at shoulder height and I chose trashed arm over trashed neck).


A whole assortment of toe injuries from being trod on by horses and finger injuries whilst playing basketball, and my fingers skated over playing ice hockey.

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As a 15 year old goalkeeper, I was 10 minuets into my debut for the league representative team, a really high standard and my big chance. I decided to stamp my authority on my defence, none of whom I'd ever played behind before, by coming out strongly to claim a high long ball when I was elbowed in the face. My tooth ended up going through my lip.


I had to leave the game and ended up in the A&E sat next to the chap who did it, as he needed stitches on his elbow. I never called up for the team again. :(

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I used to be a quick(ish) bowler in my distant youth.


Every year, in January I'd overdo it at my first winter net and pull all my intercostals. It is a really painful injury and leaves you unable to laugh, or cough. Takes weeks to shift too.

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Came out of goalkeeping retirement at 32 to play a one-off friendly game many years ago. Lasted until the 88th minute when I dived low to my right to gather a tame shot and felt an incredible pain in my lower back. I missed the ball completely and the ball went in – a goalkeeping howler for anyone watching. By the time I’d shuffled and crawled my way back to the dressing room everyone had gone! Total agony driving home and I was off work for two weeks, topping up on painkillers whilst struggling to move. I still suffer with the occasional spasms now.

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As a 15 year old goalkeeper, I was 10 minuets into my debut for the league representative team, a really high standard and my big chance. I decided to stamp my authority on my defence, none of whom I'd ever played behind before, by coming out strongly to claim a high long ball when I was elbowed in the face. My tooth ended up going through my lip.


I had to leave the game and ended up in the A&E sat next to the chap who did it, as he needed stitches on his elbow. I never called up for the team again. :(


I used to be a quick(ish) bowler in my distant youth.


Every year, in January I'd overdo it at my first winter net and pull all my intercostals. It is a really painful injury and leaves you unable to laugh, or cough. Takes weeks to shift too.


Came out of goalkeeping retirement at 32 to play a one-off friendly game many years ago. Lasted until the 88th minute when I dived low to my right to gather a tame shot and felt an incredible pain in my lower back. I missed the ball completely and the ball went in – a goalkeeping howler for anyone watching. By the time I’d shuffled and crawled my way back to the dressing room everyone had gone! Total agony driving home and I was off work for two weeks, topping up on painkillers whilst struggling to move. I still suffer with the occasional spasms now.


A dislocated ankle wasn't nice. Felt sick because of the pain and sensation.


I had to do first aid on someone who had a compound arm fracture, which was easily the worst injury I've seen.


Was playing for Sheffield forum FC and a guy came in and snapped my tib and tib of my right leg.


That wasn't fun.



Well they seems some bad ones! Makes mine look like a paper cut :hihi:

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Snapped my forearm playing football (radius) and carted off to A and E in Chesterfield. Nice clean break but didn't come through the skin luckily - looked good though. GF at the time arrived at hospital to find me on gas and air in the middle of having it reset - probably looked like I was in labour.


Worst of it was that it wasn't proper football, it was in my first year of teaching playing a game of one-bounce with some 6 formers on a residential trip in the peaks. Tried a semi-overhead to keep the ball alive and slipped on the dew. All this at 10pm waiting for the smaller kids to get ready for bed.


Looked/felt/was a right numpty..!

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