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Tackle an armed man

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Armed with what?
AK-47 and 9mm Luger, if I understand what the OP is referring to correctly.

Hadn't he already shot someone?
He shot the first guy who tried to wrestle him as he was coming out of the toilet compartment, a 28 year old French banker who has chosen to remain anonymous.


Considering the response of the train staff at the time (they promptly legged it away from the carriage and locked themselves in an armoured 'safety' compartment, locking out other passengers and not providing any help whatsoever/not answering their requests and pleas - the SNCF head office has been very busy trying to bury that one on the quiet, but the scandal is refusing to go away and growing), plus the strong likelihood that, as a darkly-complexioned person with an AK-47 in this day and age (call me racist, see if I care: just calling it as it is), he was going to do the entire train if he could, getting shot for getting shot, I would have had a go rather than just await my fate, and definitely had a go if my wife and/or daughter were in there with me (basically just like Mark Moogalian thought and did - he also got shot, in the neck).


Nothing heroic or any bravado about that, just fatalism really.


The only time I've ever been threatened by a firearm (decades ago, France), I was in a group of hunters armed with shotguns and rifles. As we were walking back to our cars along a path at the back of gardens, we started taking fire from a headcase shooting from his house balcony, completely unprovoked. The guy had time to place one bullet at the front of the group, one at the back of the group before any of us realised what was going on. I didn't wait for a 3rd 'somewhere in the middle', dropped to the floor and discharged both barrels (12 bore with a brenneke and 8.57 JRS, we had been hunting wild boar) generally towards him. It was all reflex, I never once thought about 'what if I hit him' (he'd likely cop it, considering the slugs calibers). Luckily, that cooled him down until gendarmes arrived and took us all down (I spent the night in the nick :rolleyes:). Got away scot-free with self-defence. Not an experience I wish on anyone. I didn't poo or wee my pants, but I don't mind admitting I was damn close to, for a moment.

Edited by L00b
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One of them said this morning on the news that, they beat him until he was unconscious. I guess he was just in the wrong carriage with the wrong 'Joe Public' to hand. It makes a pleasant change for the tables to be turned.


Although I understand 'his solicitor' is claiming he simply 'found' an abandoned case in a park, and just took it. Perfectly plausible isn't it? :suspect:



All he needs now is the judge from the Pistorius case , the jury from the OJ case , the bloke who lost his 9 clips of ammo and AK-47 to get nabbed when he turns up at the park lost property office ,and no doubt the retired gestapo officer will be at the local police st wanting his Luger pistol back.


I'm surprised halibut hasn't posted to complain about the gross infringement of El-Khazzani's human rights by these four cowardly men in a rush to judgment they appointed themselves, police, judge and jury, denying this poor fellow the presumption of innocence and proceeded to dole out barbaric corporal punishment.

Edited by johncocker
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Lots of factors to take into consideration...closely confined which can work to your advantage, knowing you're not alone in your thoughts to have a go. Knowing you are almost certainly dead if you sit and wait is a reflex jolter in itself.


The guy was lucky not to be shot with his own weapon. Should that have been the case..no compassion here. Another religious pervert taken down.


---------- Post added 25-08-2015 at 19:50 ----------



I'm surprised halibut hasn't posted to complain about the gross infringement of El-Khazzani's human rights by these four cowardly men in a rush to judgment they appointed themselves, police, judge and jury, denying this poor fellow the presumption of innocence and proceeded to dole out barbaric corporal punishment.


A rather nasty and vindictive assumption.

Edited by cassity
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Lots of factors to take into consideration...closely confined which can work to your advantage, knowing you're not alone in your thoughts to have a go. Knowing you are almost certainly dead if you sit and wait is a reflex jolter in itself.


The guy was lucky not to be shot with his own weapon. Should that have been the case..no compassion here. Another religious pervert taken down.


another [B]muslim jihadist[/b]taken down:)


---------- Post added 25-08-2015 at 19:50 ----------



A rather nasty and vindictive assumption.



rather a bit of light humour looking at some of halibuts past snide and hateful posts

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well they were trained, cant see many normal people running full pelt at a man armed with an automatic weapon then battering him.


But wasn't there also a university professor? I wouldn't think they are trained in armed/unarmed combat.

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But wasn't there also a university professor? I wouldn't think they are trained in armed/unarmed combat.


Why not? Academics come from all walks of life.


I've fought someone with a knife on three occasions, once as a teen and twice as a bouncer. Then one horrible night I won't forget in a hurry some idiot who had been causing trouble returned and waved a gun in my face. My reaction: Slam the door shut and get the police and other bouncers on the intercom.


Took two hours to defuse the situation and the idiot got acquitted in court after he apologised (It also turned out to be a fake-gun). I haven't got a clue how I would have responded had it been real and he actually shot, but chances are, at the time when I was still fit, that unless it was an incapacitating wound I would have gone for him. Had I known it was a fake... well, that is another story altogether.


Play that movie back in my head every now and then and that is the version I'm going with, whether I would have or not, nobody knows as it thankfully didn't happen.

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