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The next Tory recession?

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Did you even read the first link you posted:


"The financial crisis of 2007–08, also known as the Global Financial Crisis and 2008 financial crisis"


But OK, just to humour you, let's say that China did OK while the west (all down to that dastardly Labour party) was in trouble. Maybe you noticed in the news recently what is happening to China, just how they achieved that growth........

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Did you even look at the map of countries affected in the first link?


All countries were affected. Some were better placed than others to deal with issues but being honest with economic terrorist Osborne on the loose in the UK killing growth and doubling our debt I didn't have much time to think about Brazil (well maybe except for the ladies)

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You said "global crisis". Now you're watering it down to merely "affected".


I'm not watering anything down. It was a global crisis. Even the link you posted described it as such.


You're wrong. Live with it. Move on.

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It just wasn't. The link proves it in spite of the poor English and there's an OED link if that's a problem.


Look I understand the drill.


1. Portray 2008 as not a global crisis

2. Point to the BRICs as evidence

3. Plant the idea that the UK could have similarly avoided the crisis

4. Then point to supposedly overspending by Labour as the cause of the crisis here


Gets us nowhere because it simply is not true. Like I said move on.....

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Look I understand the drill.


1. Portray 2008 as not a global crisis

2. Point to the BRICs as evidence

3. Plant the idea that the UK could have similarly avoided the crisis

4. Then point to supposedly overspending by Labour as the cause of the crisis here


Gets us nowhere because it simply is not true. Like I said move on.....


It's not just about Labour's over-spending, it's also about their abysmal failure to properly regulate UK banking.

You keep repeating the same rubbish.

Labour left a big deficit. In order to cushion the blow on the UK people, spending has been effectively frozen after inflation and as the economy grows and tax revenue increases the deficit is gradually reduced. Until the budget is brought into balance the debt will of course continue to rise.

We've been one of the fastest growing countries in the EU. The EU has pursued a range of solutions to the impact of the 2008-09 problems and the UK solution seems to be proving very effective.

Your opinions are not wholly, but largely inconsistent with the evidence and it's hard to see how a rational, well informed person could honestly hold them.

The evidence of recent history is against you.

The only thing you keep repeating which is correct, is the Osbourne missed his target of eliminating the deficit by 2015 and had to extend it. So he was a bit too optimistic. It's silly to suggest that this somehow invalidates the entire approach which has been largely successful.

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